Hand of God? One Head Turn Away from Chaos: Roads to Peace Through Damascus or through War to Extinction, Ending Hate & the Rush to War Through Respect & Belief You Deserve Peace & Honest Governance (2024)

For me discovering Hawaiian music and Russian culture were neither accidents nor were they necessarily intentional. They were happy signposts along the way, serendipity or as Huston Smith liked to call it, perhaps the hand of God, letting me know I was missing out on something, and a head’s up where to look.

May you realize you don’t see the whole picture, and retain the curiosity, need, and desire to always keep looking for what you may not realize you are missing, but once seeing, can’t imagine having remained ignorant of.

Excerpt from Bringing Redemption Back, Rise of the Peacemakers, From Talking Peace toTotalitarians Banning the Word, Media & Searches Hiding Reality, Truth RechristenedMisinformation, Mediation Needed Everywhere - July 8th, 2024

In last weeks post, excerpted above, I forgot to mention that The Rise of the Peacemakers was reposted, though it appeared in the Title and was at the very bottom of the post. I also quoted the song Fall of the Peacemakers which influenced it, but did not embed the video. It is here below. It as a good song with lyrics about Martin Luther King, John Lennon, and John F. Kennedy, and quotes of these people appear in the video as well.

Nima Alkhorshid: Yeah, and the only thing that helped Donald Trump was his sudden movement of his head. Yeah?
Larry C. Johnson: Yeah. I literally, he was like I’m looking at you, and then turned. And when he turned his head, it uh, you know, saved his life.
Nima Alkhorshid: He was so damn lucky, Larry, because that was so, wow! Just a moment, just a second.
Larry C. Johnson: And its being portrayed as God’s intervention to save Donald Trump. And it’s, it really has changed. Trump was already on a roll, but this has fundamentally changed this race. It’s really now defanged the Democrats. Up to this point, they’ve been really able to get away with verbal murder. They’ve threatened killing Donald Trump. They’ve acted it out on stage. You know, comedians would hack off his head, and Snoop Dog, remember some years ago had a video where he shot Trump.
So you know, this has been long a meme among the Democrats. Now it really happened, and all of a sudden they’re having to walk it back. You know, the Biden Administration prevented Trump from getting increased Secret Service [is being currently disputed], you know they did an Anna Baerbock 360 today, also known as a 180, and about turn. I wouldn’t be surprised to see that RFK Jr Now gets Secret Service protection too. because the Biden Administration is now in the hot seat.
And they can no longer talk about Donald Trump as this existential threat that we have to stop by any means possible. Oh, including killing him? That doesn’t work. And by making Trump the victim like this, but a victim who stands up, unbowed, bloodied, fist in the air. Man, you couldn’t script that.
Excerpt from Larry C. Johnson Updating his Analysis on How Trump SURVIVES
Dialogue Works YouTube Channel - July 14th, 2024
Garland Nixon: This could be a lone gunman, a mentally ill person but who’s going to believe that? Most of the people on the street as a rule are not going to believe that, particularly after years of Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. Donald Trump is a traitor to America. Well, what’s supposed to happen to traitors? ..
The Ukraine crisis is in total disaster and collapse. The Ukraine project is in collapse. The Gaza, you know, the Zionist project is in collapse. Our economy, you know, has one foot in the grave and the other on patch of ice, as I like to say, right? ..
And its fairly obvious that Joe Biden isn’t in charge, per se, that he’s not making the decisions. I personally suspect what we’re looking at more of a, is a.. Blinken/Sullivan Administration, which is horrifying because those people are both, you know, completely unable to make competent decisions. They’re both hapless bunglers, and they, you know [are] ideological mad men. They’re basically fascists. They’re bent on world domination at a time when the US should be trying to patch itself together.
So the other part of it is, um, it’s sadly in a way good for Americans to learn what most of us already know. And that is that the President is not in charge. That even Barack Obama and Bill Clinton supposedly working to pick Joe Biden’s replacement, but we know they’re not the ones making the decision. ..
So I think that the curtain is starting to .. fall and people are starting to see that behind the curtain, there are puppeteers. That the people that they thought [were] in charge [are not] really in charge, which means that even the illusion of democracy no more is holding up. That’s all we had was an illusion that we, uh, voted someone into power and that person made decisions. That was always illusion but even that illusion is starting to crumble. ..
George Galloway: Rachel, we might have been, but for a fraction of an inch, about half an inch they say, having a very different conversation tonight. If we were indeed be able to do it. A state of martial law might have had to be declared in your country but for a half an inch. That’s a pretty narrow escape, isn’t it?
Rachel Blevins: Oh, it definitely is, and I think everyone is still kind of in shock right now. I mean for the last couple of weeks we’ve been talking about Joe Biden, right? Can he run, is he up to the task, is someone going to replace him. ..
And all of this talk and all of this rhetoric has been that Trump is the dangerous candidate. That he is a threat to democracy. That we have to stop him from making it to election day.
And so I know that there has been a lot of talk out there, just like what we saw with Robert Fico, just a couple of months ago. The speculation has been someone, some deranged person could be driven to the point where they take all of those warnings, they take it seriously, and they attempt to end Trump’s life altogether. ..
But then we have the people on the ground that say, hey, we saw a man on a roof with a rifle. We reported this to the police, and on top of that unfortunately, we know that there are a number of different layers of police.
So it brings up the question of was this just a complete failure where you had local law enforcement who were supposed to securing a certain area, and they failed to communicate with the Secret Service, or is there more to it. And does it get a lot more diabolical than that.
And I know we are still just in the first 24 hours of this, but a lot of very serious questions here.
George Galloway: Well you say shocked, and that’s right, but not surprised, right? I have been predicting this very thing on this show and elsewhere, for at least one year. ..
Rachel Blevins: Its been interesting to see the social media on this. You’ve got people claiming that Trump orchestrated this himself to become more popular. And yes, if you look back on someone like Ronald Reagan, an assassination attempt is likely to make him more popular. In fact I would argue that Trump just about has the White House sealed at this point. It’s hard to think that he doesn’t. ..
But on top of that, this also sends a very important message. .. And we still look at those promises and say, yeah okay, it’s great that Trump will say all of this, but is he actually going to do anything?
I think it is a reminder of the message that is sent out, is even just one individual who is willing to ask those questions at that level, they still could be targeted, even if they are not going do everything that they say they’re going to do on the campaign trail.
So it definitely does send a warning to any of the other would-be candidates, or any, you know, activists within this country that are thinking I really want to take on the Deep State. I want to take on these 3-letter agencies. And I want to change the course of where the United States currently going. It’s showing that they are up against a lot and that could even lead to the end of their lives at some point. ..
.. going back to the fact that if he had not moved his head, he likely would not be with us today.
Excerpt from The Trump Inquest - MOATs 360
MOATs YouTube Channel - July 14th, 2024

Music blasting from an SUV

Rolling down the interstate

In the good old USA

Having lunch at The Petroleum Club

Smoking fine cigars and swapping lives

Captains of the old order clinging to the reins

Assuring us these aches inside are only growing pains

But now I have to wonder what are we doing here

I'm not counting on tomorrow and I can't tell wrong from right

Through the litter and the wreckage and the cultural junk

Bloated with entitlement, loaded on propaganda

Now we're driving dazed and drunk

Been down the road to Damascus, the road to Mandalay

Met the ghost of Caesar on the Appian way

He said, "It's hard to stop this binging once you get a taste

But the road to empire is a bloody stupid waste"

Excerpt from Long Road Out of Eden by Glenn Frey, Timothy B. Schmit, Don Henley

Again, I spent much time on the reposts and quotes, I left myself little time to write much that is new.

In the last two posts, I felt happy with what I wrote, but unhappy by errors and misspellings. I wanted to do a major reposting of them in a better format because they were written, as I am writing this now, late and with little time to revise or check the spellings and check for grammatical errors, often due to auto-correction or my own mistakes.

As I did several posts ago, I have revised most of this years posts in partial reposts below, and include two full reposts which I think are timely. For several posts this year I have been referring to a post which I felt was one of my best anti-war posts called For Two Soldiers. That is one of the full reposts below. The other is Real Men Fear Nuclear War, Not In Kansas Anymore, which I feel is my best post about warning about the dangers of nuclear war, which our current leadership seems completely blasé about, much to our common peril.

The partial reposts were already corrected a little, but I have improved them with some new comments reflecting changes which happened in the weeks since they were written, such as the Schism charges before they concluded, and that they may had been coming before it was made public. While I tend to focus on wars, which are killing people, the continuing “vaccination” program, which is not a “vaccine” in any sense, and if it were, would be thousands of times more lethal and dangerous than all others every had been COMBINED yet this does not prevent them from continuing to kill, maim, and sterilize many as “unintended side-effects”, no big deal.

That became a focus in recent posts, and though much of my criticism seems pointed at the Catholic Church, it is because I saw that the charges and writings of Archbishop Vigano on this subject, sometimes reaching what I feel to have been a strong enough argument to warrant serious discussion and a reversal of policy, even temporarily, yet the issue festers, and people continue to die needlessly.

Similarly one mentioned often, Hungary’s Viktor Orban, has experienced reversals of fortune and many attempts at pushing forward the potential of a ceasefire for the Ukraine Conflict so that constructive talks can begin, and also, so that people may stop dying needlessly. That the governments in the European Union objected to ANY peace proposals so vehemently that they are talking about cutting short his tenure, prescribed by treaty, as the rotating head of the EU (which he decided to use that position to pry open the very idea of a ceasefire) is another of the comments added to the partial reposts below reflecting changes since they were written.

Some of the post below mention that I, as many others have also, warned against the increasing demonization of Donald Trump as dangerous, with many Democrats openly stating him to be a “danger to democracy” who “must be stopped at any cost” as inflammatory and typical of color revolutions and regime change operations, both which I studied in depth at university.

None of these studies were anywhere other than public universities and Russian citizens were often among the students in many of the classes. While I studied these topics openly, with the increasing censorship, which befell me far earlier and more inclusively than most, such knowledge while very apropos to what is going on in Ukraine (my most studied country in this respect) and in Taiwan (as stated below long a person interest of mine for multiple reasons I go into much detail upon), which I have stated, my renewed interest in these types of political issues, I do not hide and state often, is because I do not wish to see Taiwan suffer the same devastation of a proxy war as Ukraine has already.

This puts me at odds with the currently insane State Department, but as I may highlight in another post, if I do one, has been ongoing for over two decades. I said many times, I have stood categorically and defiantly against almost all of what the neoconservatives have wrought from their wrong headed approaches to the world and foreign policy in general, and their complete abdication of diplomacy and negotiations. Few may have seen these outside of the US government, especially after leaving University studies again. I tried to keep it up, my Master’s Thesis about Color Revolutions focusing on Ukraine and Venezuela, even after returning to the US but it increasingly became impossible, and unlikely even if it was finished, that I could defend it remotely or in person to get my degree.

I never gave up the idea, as stated often in the reposts below, I just reset my sights to a more appropriate time to resume. The very idea of continuing on writing about Ukraine and corruption, and US influenced color revolutions there would obviously be insane, and unlike the people currently in charge of US foreign policy and “leadership” in general, I am not insane.

However, while Donald Trump and Gonzalo Lira have shown to various degrees why it is not too bright of an idea to push for peace in Ukraine, or look into the corruption there which has inflected and influenced both major political parties, and corrupted most members of Congress, I was well aware of how inadvisable that was long before they needed to be warned, that that it would had helped much.

So while studying about the Ukraine Orange Revolution I thought to be the best or most important, or at least most potentially constructive thing to study in 2004-2006, it is too hot a topic, nor one I think is the most appropriate for me to study in depth, as much as I would like, at this time.

Yet that has not stopped me from stating often in these posts, I have no desire to see Ukraine get locked into the new next forever war status. Unlike many pundits and most politicians I am aware of the crisis’ in that country, and among the most disturbing of these is in regards to what is happening in regards to Churches, Monasteries, Priests, and Christianity in general. This is something I feel is not being discussed publicly, which like what is going on in Gaza, being in the public’s blind spot is most of why such atrocities are occurring, are increasing, and why they cannot yet be resolved.

It is also this lack of attention is keeping the very idea of a ceasefire or an end to the conflict from even being considered. There is much room for such a discussion and much need for one. And that fact that those calling for that discussion and an end or cessation of the conflict are increasing dying, or getting shot, makes it even more important a discussion to not let slide into darkness.

I had quoted Dr. Martin Luther King on almost every title page of the original POLSCI.COM pages, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can drive out darkness.”

This weekend Donald Trump was attempted to had been assassinated. Months ago Robert Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia was shot, also in an assassination attempt, who also had become increasingly vocal for a negotiated end to the Ukraine Conflict, which they, as have had many others, stressed cannot be won militarily by Ukraine and can only end by their defeat or by negotiations yet the press continues to be filled in the West with nonsensical prognostications of how Ukraine can win, if they only keep fighting.

It is insane and these political posturing are destroying Ukraine, a subject I am well aware of, and would very much like to see an end to the suffering of the people of Ukraine, and a speedy return of as many refugees that may be willing to return once a stable, and normal, government can guarantee their existence. Neither of those two conditions seems to be of interest besides Hungary’s leader, Viktor Orban and Slovakia’s (now recovering from several gunshots to the abdomen) Robert Fico.

All others claiming to want to “help” Ukraine and Ukrainians are the worse sort of liars.

In my first post after Fico was shot and the President of Iran died that very day from a helicopter crash, I began the title of that post with the first stanza of my poem, Revolting.

Like most poetry, it was a play on words with multiple meanings. You could take the word, and thus the rest of the poem, as either an adjective or a verb. If you read it as a verb, it was about revolutions. If you took it as an adjective, it was more of a statement of disgust at what it was describing.

The course studies in which I was writing about Ukraine’s Orange Revolution was actually also a program about “Revolution”. And my studies previous to that about the conflicts, frozen and otherwise, and “revolutions” colored and otherwise, were about economic and political revolutions as well.

There are many ways to view “revolutions” positively and negatively. Without having a political impetus, an idea of what is the most “correct” or most “evolved” form of government, it is best to view the results of benefiting the people of the region as a whole, or causing more harm that creating benefits or increased prosperity and health, and a more stable community in which to raise children.

When you use these standards, it is often to see that most revolutions do not benefit the people they are purportedly being done for, but do make rich and international arms industry and vastly increase the criminal activities in the warzone, not to mention making thousands or hundreds of thousands dead, and million homeless and refugees whose lives are often in constant peril and exposed to sickness and disease.

In that sense, the term “revolting” is much more apt as an adjective because even when used in the verb sense, the adjective sense cannot be far behind. Out of sight or out of mind, but always ever-present whenever there is a war or conflict occurring.

The full poem is below.

Fade to black,
blind to all the facts
we live in darkness
and curse the light
Raise the pious high
then drop them from the sky
while we eagerly await
their flight or obliteration
Desecrate the scholars,
let them see ignorance's power
and make them fear the inmates
who dare to run the asylum
Cut the godhead's throat,
destroy their myths then gloat
as we dare even praise ourselves
for being less believing than the rest

It is up to the militaries to educate the publics of how horrible war and revolutions are when the political classes become so corrupt that they seen only profit and increased powers in the destruction of foreign lands and peoples, using in the past the enemy was the primary goal to destroy. Today, it is our “allies” who do the greatest suffering, the most dying, and with the least concern I have ever seen shown, even to those previously we saw only as enemies, yet at least we admitted their common humanity.

The Gaza operations have called into doubt whether there is any countries left that see all people as humans sharing a common humanity and deserving of equal rights. It is most obvious that the current leaders of Israel do not, and their lacking of seeing Palestinians as such has spread to most of the leaders of the “West”.

They do not see, nor do the “West’s” leaders, that that dehumanization will not spread to the rest of humanity, and thus they will continue to all be seen as pariahs at best. And if it did spread as they hope it will, if the world can continue to turn a blind eye the massive suffering, the countless war crimes, and inhumanity unleashed as perhaps never before, then life will certainly not be worth living anywhere on Earth.

If we lose our common humanity as prolonged conflicts incur, and in many regions has already occurred destroying souls and spirits as well as bodies, then a tipping point will be reached which would take generations to get back, if ever can be reclaimed.

My Catholic education at an early age forbid me from seeing people as evil, ANY people. The reasoning being is that ALL people have souls, and souls cannot be evil. People can DO evil, and obviously often do, but always within there is something or someone redeemable.

Nothing is more painful to me, nor more harmful to society or social development as the idea that people are “irredeemable” which has become a common refrain in western media, long before these current conflicts. It is a term used often now in regards to those who stand opposed to globals “purchased” political parties, and to anyone who stand against their agendas that are so harmful to cities, civic live, personal safety and the sanctity of families.

Church too have been bought, corrupted and now push the same agendas as the globalist elites. It may already be too late, but people need to resent themselves and brace themselves to regain their common voices, now stripped away by media control, reclaim their minds by teaching others to see through the constant propaganda, and find leaders who are not corrupt nor stupid.

It is not an easy task because the media will find and destroy them probably before they can take power, but it is not yet a hopeless task. I can’t tell you how to do it, even if I knew that it can be done. But I can stress that the key is to believe that no one is irredeemable, and that only by making all countries live by the same rules, treat all their citizens as equals with equal rights, is an integral aspect of every way truly forward.

And also to reclaim the very idea of citizenship. The globalists have been using ideologies to make people turn against their histories, their cultures, and their very senses of identity held for millennia. They do so only so that they can plant their own new ideas and make new people who they will teach that they have no souls, no humanity, and will act thus.

That cannot poison people forever as eventually they may find a way to rebel against even such a horrific brainwashed state as that, but it should never be let to go that far.

The key as said not only in Christianity but in most of the world’s religions to some degree, treat others as you would want them to treat you. If you keep that guidepost forever in your sight what is going on how in Gaza or in Ukraine could never happened, and if it did, would never be able to continue for very long.

The poem above is correct in that those currently running the show in making the world a never-ending rush for new types of weapons looking for new places around the world where they can be put to profitable use, the “live in darkness and curse the light.”

Don’t let the rule you from that darkness, from the shadows, any longer. And for Heaven’s sake, do not be tempted to join them there. See what is going on. See what is happening when they can take out the brave few, because the many choose to do nothing out of cowardice.

It is not too late, but it is getting there. I mentioned my father had a close call when he was being deployed into a war zone. He ended up injured went swept of a boat in a storm and thought he was done for. He prayed to be back on the boat and another wave eventually returned him safely, but injured enough that he could not fight.

As many who have a brush with death, he suddenly became if not more religious, more aware of how precious life is, and how lucky were are to have it. Many of the people I quoted last December who bravely stood up to abuse in trying to put an end to the massive “Covid vaccine” deadly steamroller, all had in common brushes with death. Such things occur, such close calls, happen all the time, yet most are ignorant that they even occurred.

Yesterday Donald Trump had a very visible illustration of a close call, but we all were on that stage whether we knew it or not. As many others have pointed out, another few inches and those who long for the destruction of the US, or an excuse to shut down the elections which they cannot win legally almost got their wish.

Life can and often does turn on a dime. The key then is to never let the fate of the world ride on a coin toss or needing to count on luck. Tell them, MAKE THEM stop playing games with the fate of the world by brinksmanship or by Nuclear chicken or Russian roulette. Gamble long enough, and the only guarantee is that you will lose, and lose what you can’t get back.

Two Full Reposts from the older Polsci.com / Truthrevival.org (2007 and 2012)

—For Two Soldiers (June 7th, 2007
—Real Men Fear Nuclear War, Not in Kansas Anymore (August 5th, 2012)

Partial Reposts from this year (between the quotes at the tops and the reposts at the bottoms)

— Bringing Redemption Back, Rise of the Peacemakers, From Talking Peace toTotalitarians Banning the Word, Media & Searches Hiding Reality, Truth RechristenedMisinformation, Mediation Needed Everywhere - July 8th, 2024
— Schisms, Color Revolutions, & Civil Wars, Nuking Lebanon, Genocides & Churches, Destroying Plato's Cave, Assange & Lira, Like Jesus in the Sky: Seabirds Once Again Fly Over Cristo Redentor - July 1st, 2024
— Unbunting Lebanon, Unbrainwashing People towards Peace Again over War, Reenergizing Faith over Despair, and Bringing It All Home Again, Naturally - June 24, 2024
— Hope Dies Last, Threatening China as Iran over Taiwan, State Department
& Proxies Declaring Widening Wars, Christian Trust and Renewing Faith
in "the Other" - June 17th, 2024
— Orban's Alternate Future and Better Presents, Sun Not Yet Sat on Taiwan's Color Revolution, Kickstarting New Drive for New School, Painting the Future Anything But Black - June 3rd, 2024
— Fade to Black, Blind to All the Facts; Crashing the Leibowitz vs Wolfowitz Doctrines; Kickstopped One Last Time; Ray McGovern's MICIMATT vs Paul Craig Robert's Monsters, Again "On the Table" - May 20th, 2024
— No Bravery, Middle-East Peace Minefields, Bunting on Lebanon, Taiwan's Alternate Futures vs Ukraine's Corruption, Napoleon in Kula, Sun Yat-sen on Saint Helena - May 12th, 2024
— Turning Ahead Time: Peace with China, Dialogue with Russia, Healing for Ukraine, Napoleon Vs Sun Yat-sen, The Road and Year Ahead - May 6th, 2024


July 8th, 2024


There are several currents to what I have been most concerned with, and they merge in that much is spent in keeping people blind to what is going on in the world, in the wars, in regards to how many have died or were injured with the COVID19 “vaccine” [which was nothing of the sort].

The media and those who own it, are behind all of this. There is little need for me to speak now again of the corruption and the degradation of democracy and the Constitution in the West. I did so last week when reposting my Constitution Cola piece from 2006, which mentioned much about that.

I also recently reposted two posts which I had written about voting machines and how by their very existence, never mind their easily skewed results, should never had been allowed, and once this was exposed as being a potential for fraud, many times exposed since I wrote that.

And those articles/posts had plenty of evidence for that way back in 2009 when they were written, showing that honest results were not the intention, since they remained in use, then and as well as now.

And things got worse. Much worse. Mail-in voting. Drop boxes. Ballot harvesting. It becoming heretical, racist, or partisan to ask that people even have to prove who they are before voting. Expecting voting to be limited to people actually legal residents allowed by law to vote.

These all were denied, or called paranoia, then were snuck in under the door, here and there, like COVID related censorship and lockdowns, until learning how much people could accept, without becoming too much of a problem.

And the elections this week in the UK and France showed a different type of erosion of democracy, but also related to the media conditioning people to accept lesser definitions of democracy and lesser numbers of real choices.

In the UK, what should normally signal a major change of direction, a historic reversal of fortunes for the major political parties, it is not expected by most to result in major changes. Both have identical policies toward the major wars, in Ukraine and in the Middle East, and on most issues which concern most peoples lives.

Voting is only for changing the policies on the margins. Both parties are for increased surveillance, less rights, more immigration, more censorship and disallowing “hate” speech which is primarily used to destroy any potential challenges to the increasingly dictatorial “center”.

Pepe Escobar had good quotes above [in the original post, not in this repost] about his experiences that due to the media always only pushing one narrative, the one that the “center” or both parties (in the UK, and the US, and many Western countries) wishes be aired, and that people simply digest it, and forget alternatives may exist.

Or choose to never challenge it, even though if they thought about it, they’d know it was wrong.

Completely wrong. People can watch “official press conferences” about Ukraine’s progress, how there is no need to worry about a potential World War if we continue to increase the risks of a major escalation or create ideal conditions for an effective false flag attack.

Its all taken care of, factored in, the media preaches. No need to worry.

And if there is a major war, it might save the economy from crashing due to the abandonment of the dollar by many countries, and the rampant inflation which people can seemingly, they think, be gaslit to think has not happened, and the ever increasing national debt which long ago passed being ever able to be paid off.

The press, through now “legal” propaganda can lie all they wish to convince people of ANYTHING they wish.

That “democracy”, if we ever choose to go back to some semblance of it, after decades of poisoning of it through the means mentioned above, a reversal would be long and painful, and like backtracking from STILL killing people with dangerous and lethal “vaccines”, mistakes would need to be admitted to. Major ones which would require jail time if ever exposed.

So they think they can go on forever saying, like with peace talks, that you are not supposed to think about it.

I do not take sides in what I described as a very real schism forming in the Catholic Church. I mentioned, though I still consider myself a Christian, I decided at a very early age that I did not agree with the Catholic Church on many things, such as not allowing Priests to marry.

Things like that are not issues I have with other Christian churches, but there are other things as well I do not agree on.

However, most of these have nothing to do with what is going on in the church. The media again I do not think is causing it, but it is reflecting it.

Many know that Christianity is under fire in the US and the West in general in too many ways to list now, but much in the US is specifically being targeted toward those of the Catholic faith.

The Globalists hate the pushback they get from their plans for undermining traditional values, traditional families, and their “vaccines” and pretty dark agendas they are fairly open about, and boast of often.

Yet they have dumbed the public down largely to the degree that if you criticize these harmful, often psychotic agendas, they call you a conspiracy theorist, a radical leftist or radical rightist, and then top if all off by saying, and what if it is the case? Why would any sane person have a problem with these things?

The “center” is what the globalists now control in many faux democracies. Both, or most if more than two, major parties in most countries spout the same globalist, expansionist, pro-censorship digested as “minority protection”, and gut peoples ability to oppose the next new thing.

Whether that is lockdowns, masks, internal travel passports, or mandatory injections (still on the table and ever MORE legal obstacles have fallen against these while you weren’t paying attention), mandatory pronoun enforcement, and more discrimination disguised as anti- discrimination.

While I feel its not my place to criticize what is going on in the growing schism in the Catholic Church, but in regards to the Covid policies, it is evident that the current makeup of the Church, widely changed since Pope Francis became Pope, is unlikely to admit error, or to stop killing and poisoning people, and back away from the globalist agendas in other regards.

While Catholics are being mistreated and demonized in many respects, the globalist mainstream media and corrupt politicians LOVE this Pope.

Google censors all criticism of him. He gets almost as many standing ovations now speaking to joint sessions of Congress as Netanyahu did, and will again, accusations of genocide be damned.

And if genocide is what gets you such treatment, distances the Pope from being criticized and instead LOVED by the MSM and politicians, his whole hearted support for mandatory injections of MRNA to both his “followers” and his Church personnel, means he probably has helped kill many more times as many people as Netanyahu has been accused of, and just as much unrepentantly.

If the Pope continues to shut his critics down, and will not stop such madness, there may not be much of a church left to save.

THAT is why those who hate Catholicism so much LOVE this particular Pope.

The same as with the “democratic” leaders that are seemingly destroying civil society in the US and its satellites such as the UK, France, Germany, and the rest, literally the policies of this Pope may have already done his church in.

That the “shot” was mandatory, and that though it certainly does not kill most people immediately, it does have cognitive decline amongst its most serious consequences.

This means that if the majority at the top the church were “vaccinated”, as supposedly much of the Israeli leadership was, the US military forces were, and other heavily armed groups, and everyday more heavily skewed toward erratic and self-destructive behavior, it would be much harder to fix later than every day presently, once the degradation continues to affect decision making enough to backtrack in time before collapses.

The charges made by Vigano and others were serious, but they needed to be made, and should had been heard and debated thoroughly.

Every new dictatorial action without having aired such serious grievances, and such evidence-backed criticism, especially in not admitting mistakes or backtracking on the horrific deaths caused by the Church’s Covid “vaccine” policies, instead of opening debates, means its only going to get increasingly worse from here on out.

Two sayings come to mind. Bill Cosby had a line as a joke, “If you go crazy, you won’t know it.” The other is that no group that came to power through illicit or non-democratic means has ever shied away from using such to STAY in power.

It is when maintaining power itself becomes the goal, becomes primary to actually helping and keeping alive the people you are supposedly put into power to serve, to help, to keep alive and well, that despotism becomes inevitable.

That is on display in politics among many countries that either seek to enlarge their dominance, influence, or power, or to maintain it at any cost, or to keep their leaders from facing criminal charges or public reckonings.

The old system will either destroy the world, or it will be reformed. But is not likely to go quietly.

As someone who has studied both the political falling apart with focus on international institutions that have quite obviously begun to fail spectacularly, as well as conditioning and propaganda leading to both mass hypnosis and now bordering on psychosis, it is guaranteed to be a messy time ahead, or as the English say, a sticky wicket.

But much of that comes from, again, the media.

Only idiots and propagandists are allowed on mainstream media, and the few alternative ones on YouTube are both always fighting the censorship (and mostly losing) or conforming their views enough to stay on the air, and accordingly can give little effective pushback, no where near the amount needed to turn things around before succumbing to the abyss ahead.

What is needed is mediators. In the past, the media celebrated or at least acknowledged that competent effective people were needed to be arbitrators who possessed a necessary forgotten quality called impartiality.

Sweden and Norway (before joining NATO) were in the past major agents of stability, but now are among the most insanely rabid Russophobes and pro-war in general, even against China for God’s sake!

Really, until the media is broken from its dominance by the oligarchs through the intelligence services working behind the scenes to censor sanity and “program” the masses to stay insane, little can be hoped. And illuminating that that must change again, falls and fails against the control of the media.

My studies, quite in-depth about color revolutions, I stressed that such movements and “revolutions” lived and died by the media.

Once the media turned against the regimes, I wrote, what I called the No Maas Moment, that’s when things turn. But now, the media is the power behind the throne. The media IS the regime. Politicians (and even parties since their politics are often unimportant, or the same, or can change on a dime without anyone putting up a fuss) are now as interchangeable as clothes or shoes.

And color revolution tactics have been successfully used by what used to be called the Obama administration behind the scenes since 2016. The most important aspect of color revolutions, besides maintaining control of the press, is to sow doubt of an election’s results.

Thus undermining your opponents to be unable to effectively rule or even to substantively take power, and like the UK or France, need to call for early elections, or even for a revote in the classic color revolution models.

Such tactics were obvious when done in Ukraine in 2004 and 2014, and in Brazil, Venezuela, and in many other states besides the most obvious ones in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Brian Berletic has done a good job on his New Atlas YouTube channel about such tactics being applied in East Asia.

And as I have mentioned in several posts this year and last year, such tactics are being used, or attempting to be used in Taiwan, a region I have some interest in seeing that it does not suffer Ukraine’s fate.

For now all I can do is write, but hopefully soon fully focus on in studies, in University or out, but Taiwan is seemingly on more firm ground which might make a open conflict more unlikely, which is why the rhetoric is increasing catastrophically to provoke something, just as in other regions.

Most disturbingly the weakened President (new, but his party unlike the previous term no longer controls the legislature) has intimated that he will not declare independence, long the most important Red Line, for China to provoke a war, by claiming that it is not necessary (and could never pass in the legislature) because Taiwan IS ALREADY AN INDEPENDENT COUNTRY.

That insane switch in messaging may go over well with whoever or whatever “Gang of Four” is really controlling the Presidency and foreign policy in the US, but others may recognize it to be dangerous, both for Taiwan and for the US.

Most who still have their mental faculties working in the US military know that China would most certainly win any conflict over what we have long (since 1979) legally said to be “their” province of Taiwan, and all that we can hope for if such a conflict did occur, is drawing some pain upon China, while Taiwan itself gets inevitably destroyed, as did much of Ukraine, in the process.

It may not be a good time for me to again focus on such things, but if such things were not going on in the world, there would be little need. For now I can write as often as I can to do my best to draw attention to such things.

I can also hope that I may travel soon to begin discussions on the aftermath of the Ukraine situation, which of all the conflicts I have studied in depth at Universities, that one became the focus of a high percentage of them.

My outline for what would have been my thesis about Ukraine and its potential for civil war, and its corruption I posted last year, with also stressing the need for embracing the principles in John F. Kennedy’s American University’s “Peace Speech” in the same post.

I will link to that now [I forgot to before, and may again] as I have already decided on what the reposts this time will be, and that was not one of them. But it was a good post, and like his speech, its well worth reading or hearing again. [I also forgot to mention that The Rise of The Peacemakers was one of the reposts to this repost, but it was in the title and it was at the bottom of the original post.]

In the last post/article here [Schisms, Color Revolutions, & Civil Wars, Nuking Lebanon, Genocides & Churches, Destroying Plato's Cave, Assange & Lira, Like Jesus in the Sky: Seabirds Once Again Fly Over Cristo Redentor - July 1st, 2024] I reposed my “Seabirds” or my short notes which I thought were the very best of my notes as they were being written in the original Polsci.com’s new “issues” or new index pages, added after enough new content accrued to warranted it.

Shortly after that, I began posting short excerpts from Hawaiian songs called the “Hawaiian Lyric of the Month” though it rarely was updated monthly, but the name of the section stuck.

Also after the first few, I changed the background (wallpaper) at the same time. Being originally and primarily an artist, though that helped my computer programming significantly, I also focused a lot on the overall “look” of the site.

My choice of backgrounds for each “issue” was influenced by the content. And having had written much poetry, I was glad to be able to share over the years my love of Hawaiian music by quoting what I thought were the best lyrics from the best songs.

This was started while I was away from Hawaii in very cold climes. With all my posts, and all the previous “issues” of Polsci.com (now still up at Unlostworld.com if the link works) choosing the best lyric was always the fun part. With more recent posts, finding the right or best videos was also the most enjoyable part of writing.

For this weeks post, I learned again how much people are cordoned off from finding things. Not only was it frustrating and obvious that the mainstream media, and Google searches, would only show news about the schism charges against Archbishop Vigano from a pro-Vatican point of view (unless you knew which sites would not be completely critical of him taking the Vatican’s position completely, you would think there WAS no other explanation).

The only articles shown were all from the same site. No other articles according to Google were written that day (indexed by them to be found) and no other sites had an alternate viewpoint) but similarly just finding many alternative videos for the song I wished to highlight this time was frustrating without switching to typing in Russian language / Cyrillic type.

Even after changing my “region”, the Google results would always be the same.

Fortunately I was able to get up to speed after a few (frustrating) hours, and then was able to search a wider pool of sources to find the best covers of the song I chose, The Wings, originally done by Nautilus Pompilious in 1996.

Because its a Russian song, most of the searches were not turning up wide selections because English-titled alternative videos often were not present, or were spelled differently due to translation issues.

But I also noticed that Google was not limiting my searches nearly as much. People who have not studied the media, and have not been aware of the increasing censorship, how Russian points of views will not turn up in searches, as well as in mainstream coverage and most social media, have no idea how much their views of the world are being narrowed.

And that the European Union states COMPLETELY block access to Russian, or often also sites that mention heavily Russian perspectives, is beyond belief! So much for the “Free Western World.”

Typical is that the “leader” of Ukraine chastised the head of Hungary, and currently the rotating head of the EU, [they are trying to stop that now and eject him and end his term early because he is making a major drive for a ceasefire in Ukraine, so much does that detest them than anyone can even entertain the very idea of a ceasefire before the US election, should it occur, in November] Viktor Orban from discussing peace ideas or proposals with Russia “without his permission” is just one indication of how insane the whole situation is, and the world has become.

That I studied Russia and the Russian language enough to find the best videos of the song I wanted to use, even though it meant having to relearn to type and navigate the web using Russian, was helpful, but not required.

Translations are pretty good for most larger web sites. The problem for the majority of the people who have no idea they are missing others views, is that they don’t know where alternative views and other types of music can be found.

This people have to research on their own. Once deciding on this particular song, and seeing that the original video of it was a bit too dark, I was grateful in finding out that it was not what I wanted to use.

So many good covers of the song exist (and typing it in Cyrillic was helpful for finding many of them) that is was impossible to pick just one, so I picked two.

And even that was hard to narrow it down to. The video at the top was the best, or among the best of the sung versions. And the video at the bottom, though not the best instrumental, was truly an amazing rendition of a hauntingly beautiful melody way above my ability to ever play that well.

Like when I wrote about Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris in my last post here, people have no idea sometimes how much art there is outside their current time and culture.

They have no idea how limited their views of the worlds are by the media and technology of not showing other cultures and types of music to them. I hope I have done my part to help broaden people’s perspective to views and music they might not otherwise have come across.

For me discovering Hawaiian music and Russian culture were neither accidents nor were they necessarily intentional. They were happy signposts along the way, serendipity or as Huston Smith liked to call it, perhaps the hand of God, letting me know I was missing out on something, and a head’s up where to look.

May you realize you don’t see the whole picture, and retain the curiosity, need, and desire to always keep looking for what you may not realize you are missing, but once seeing, can’t imagine having remained ignorant of.


July 1st, 2024


Again, not a lot of time to write. Too much time was spent in gathering the quotes which required much major reformatting.

In going over all of my posts which had mentioned Julian Assange, including some before his Embassy Suites stint, the first post in which mentioned him stated that while I don’t know how much time I have to write, I try simply to write what I think is most appropriate for the time I am in.

Not necessarily do I consider how much truth telling can I get away with at that time, as that is not the point of why I write. Since so much of my life is pre-loaded, I try to focus on each present, what is different, where is it going most likely, and what can I add to that which may be of help.

I have written much about the need to avoid wars that could turn into nuclear wars or expand in an uncontainable fashion.

From the “above the new stuff” quotes of other people in my 2023/2024 posts, it is pleasing to now see that many others have taken notice of the rapidly expanding chances or even likelihood of nuclear war, as I put in the title over a year ago, with the State Department seemingly “seeking nuke use, seemingly somewhere, anywhere.”

That is still the case and will be until the neocons which now comprise the majority of BOTH major parties and are definitely intractable no matter which “different” party or choice wins not only in this election, but in ANY election.

At least the UK has the ability for third parties, and fourth, etc. to gain some traction, but whether they can take power enough to adjust an insane foreign policy, we may see that as soon as this Fourth of July.

In the last post I finally reposted my posts from 2009 about “phone home voting machines” that could, and reportedly at least once did, purge their programing in how the results were to be tabulated AFTER giving results which were not independently verifiable later, because there was no other backups or paper trail. Nothing suspicious about that.

At least those whose brains still function might remember how in the Brexit and in the Scottish Independence votes of less than 10 years ago, the elections of millions of voters were done on the same day, on paper ballots, inspected by both sides, and were 100% verifiable because it was that important.

As a programmer, and before I was erased, one of some reputation and achievement, one does not need to be one to know that to program a machine to simply tabulate the correct result of an election could had been done in the mid-twentieth century, if honesty was the overriding concern.

That such source code of these machines, as I wrote in 2009 which were verifiably hackable easily, is kept secret, yet these machines are “trusted” is insane. I know that the government is criminal, but are the people really that brain dead?

Also I have been increasing my outrage that Donald Trump and Pope Francis continue to not backtrack or warn against the “Covid Vaccine” or ANY mRNA vaccines which now have gone through the system enough to be mandated again.

Trump was the fall guy to take the blame/credit for something that seemingly has claimed millions of lives, millions of people have become permanently disabled, and who knows how many can no longer have children, all supposedly “accidentally”, yet there is no stopping it nor significant calling for stopping it.

And the ingredients of what people, mainly mostly poor people who are too poor NOT to take it, as before, are also secret.

I have gone back and forth in my life on whether it was most important to simply warn about things, wars mostly, that most seem to not see coming over the horizon.

And also towards trying to make people smarter, or at least a LITTLE more capable of seeing such things because I am getting older and would like to see humanity take the training wheels off and not need gutter-bumpers every time the Neocons want to do something stupid to make their backers wealthy, like invading or threatening to invade countries they cannot hope to defeat.

But that is never the point. Milking the deaths of these states and their citizens for every last dollar, every last drop of blood, is the point.

In my “Open Letter” to Donald Trump in 2019 I warned about these things, and even how they would likely start. I mentioned that a bit in the last post here. Those 2019 posts are still up at Truthrevival.org blog last time I checked.

Above this post [in the original post, not in this repost] is another “Open Letter” of sorts addressed to the Pope, pleading with him to shut down the “vaccine” which IS within his ability to do so, unlike ending the conflicts in Gaza or Ukraine, simply by asking the 1 billion or so Catholics to avoid it like the plague that it is, and one which he ENDORSED, and which the Catholic Church is profiting from its killing, maiming, and sterilizing his own Church’s followers.

In my past few posts I mentioned wanting to write about 3 churches and 3 cemeteries, and what learned from each. I have only covered one so far.

One, Notre Dame Cathedral, I mentioned in my post Churches in Europe around 10 years ago. [Traps, Churches in Europe - September 17th, 2012: Truthrevival.org / Polsci.com]

Growing up French in a family with ties to the Church (my grandfather had studied to become a priest, and his brother I am told was either a negotiator or diplomat for the Vatican which chose him (among a group) to end a violent dispute in Europe (and supposedly someone had made a statue of him somewhere). I assume it wasn’t World War I or II because those actually happened.

I also mentioned this year, if that was his only achievement (doubtfully) I think that I may have equalled it from all the times I went “balls to the wall” to short circuit a potential war with Iran. I didn’t appreciate Trump’s or Bolton’s contributions in the other direction.

I don’t know what if anything of the things I did may had been effective and what was not, but it was enough to make it impossible for me to work in the US barely beyond minimum wage.

One intelligence whistleblower ended up working at a Home Depot. Even that seems out of my league. I had owned a software company (usually just me), made lots of programs, some of which were in national PC magazines and some were among the most recommended (even the US State Department was thinking of licensing one, irony) of most major online services, not to mention also other ones specifically designed to teach people how to understand multi-dimensional concepts, visually and more easily.

I have taken probably over 25 civil service tests for various county and state jobs in the last 18 years, and have never failed one (except the ones I did not attend, sick or missed the bus). I did get a 72 on a golf starter job for Maui County but that counted as passing.

I only golfed once, and it was at night with no lights and I was drunk, but that counted too. I could, and did, honestly say I had golfed before. [And I think I could STILL probably beat Trump or Biden!]

Though I said that the 2D, 3D, 4D Thinking Made Simple book was only written to buy time for the political asylum, which it was, it also was along the lines of doing something that I was good at, me 1.0 before June 1st, 2003, and also me 2.0 about 15 days after when the world stopped spinning after the accident.

I had been often drawing designs because they just popped into my head.

The good ones became paintings, or when they were ones I thought of repeatedly.

Some of them I later, when dealing with multi- dimensional (4) shapes, was able to recognize some of them as “shadows” or 2 or 3 dimensional shadows of a 4 dimensional shape.

Before the accident I had been recently been working on finishing Deconstructing the Universe, so thinking about such concepts normally, not just visually, were also fresh, and a lot on my brain, so to speak.

After the accident, all cylinders in my head were definitely not firing right, but I still kept thinking of such things, multidimensional concepts, even after much of my math computational abilities were shot.

But I still could visualize much about 4 dimensional shapes, and while my brain was rewiring itself, much of that was taken further than I had ever dealt with consciously before. But like I said, such concepts like that were turning up in my brain anyways, even when just aimlessly doodling.

So before the accident when having had worked out with better details more than any time since, what I had wanted to do and write in response to the cause, completely valid, of asking for political asylum, after the accident, I sensed that that was not going to come off very well if attempted then. It did come off, sort of, more than 2 years later. But I needed to buy time.

Victor/Victoria was a famous movie by Blake Edwards starring James Garner and Julie Andrews, his wife. The tag line was “A Woman Pretending to be a Man, Pretending to be a Woman”. Funny movie. [Basically I was trying to be pretending to write something, complicated or obtuse, which later became something I began to take seriously.]

I was not really aiming high for what became 2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple. It was complex enough that I really thought I could bluff it, or make it so complex no one would be able to think they knew what it was about, yet could still “look like” something.

But somewhere along the line, I started to take it seriously and did actually start writing about topics I would not had wished to write about normally, if that was even possible.

Plato wrote in dialogues, and I ended up doing so also, mostly to save my ass by buying enough time for my brain to heal enough to actually go through with the political asylum as much as possible as I had intended on doing back in early 2003 before getting “hit by a car and knocked 5 feet in the air, and landing head first on the pavement”.

Not a good day but I have had worse.

But even consciously long before that I had been looking for people through history books who were able to perceive and teach multidimensional concepts like I do.

I have mentioned 2 already from classical European History. Plato’s Cave. Also that of Alexander the Great upon being told of a multiverse, that many worlds may exist invisibly around our own, and that he then purportedly exclaimed that after all he did and went through, that he could not even conquer one.

Also in India existed the parable of the palace within a palace within a palace with the last inside the first, a multi-dimensional concept.

And I spent quite a bit of time with a large sided 14 volume Encyclopedia-type set of thousands of years of Taoist writings with VERY good indexes searching for “the Uncarved Block” among other multidimensional concepts, and found that every 500-800 years interesting people again came along and moved the needle a bit.

It was nice to see some concepts expanded over such long periods of time, especially ones which were seemingly second nature to me already, but I enjoyed relearning them again.

Many of the addendums to Deconstructing the Universe dealt with cyclical time or paradoxes and other multi-dimension concepts such as “Measure All Things Together”, “Shattering Time,” and “Probability Undefined.” [And Multi-Dimensionalism: Lens, Obstructions, and Shadows.]

I liked to think I that I had covered ALL of the bases of what I thought I should had written, yet am still here, am still not allowed to really work significant jobs for normal amounts of pay, nor possibly travel, though not as yet as openly as having had my passport pulled.

Though if they start the mask thing again (that kept me from traveling even to another state for over 2 years) for air travel, I will again be helplessly trapped, and especially at risk if they go through with mandatory injections, as my stated already publicly stated that they believe that they can now do 100% legally.

So I am HOPING that I still can travel and travel to where I think I can do the most good.

Studying the Taiwan issue (nothing I can think of doing that would piss off the Neocons more than me taking up that after already using my studies of Ukraine to the MAX in a political asylum [not really, but it definitely would had been nice to finish the MA about the Orange Revolution and corruption, if it were not becoming increasingly quite inadvisable to continue on much longer on that subject], yet that seemingly led my only real victory of sorts, unless that contributed to other things as well) may take too long to work out how to even begin that now, because I doubt there is enough time to unless the Gaza and Ukraine conflicts soon wind down.

My knowledge of these topics and conflicts I have mentioned in my previous posts here [also reposted below this post if any are interested], so really all that I can do now is wait to see if I can get to where I think that I can be of the most use, in talking to people in Eastern Europe, again, about how they think people can begin heal the divisions in New Ukraine, or whatever will be the resultant states borders.

Weirdly, its also the issue I studied the most, and other than Venezuela, the only one that I studied at a Graduate level.

Because of my great uncle’s relation to the Catholic Church, and the fact that the Political Asylum that preserved whatever autonomy and gadflying abilities I still may possess, was only able to be done because some small church somewhere in Sweden took a vote and decided to give me the price of a train ticket, it would be great symmetry to have a church provide me with a plane ticket to do the interviews about Ukraine.

I doubt other countries would keep me from working or being able to sell off my paintings or the Zedlam program or domains for enough to pay for a semester or two at college [I have tried to do so in the US, and as I wrote in 2019, not the kind of thing I would trust email communications on. My knowledge of such things is not perfect, but know better than to trust dealing with such things other than in person.]

Plus, I am also very good at writing about Churches, as ‘Traps, Churches in Europe’ I think showed.

Its getting late, but getting back to Notre Dame Cathedral. I mentioned years ago, that it was a dream en route to Boston miles above the continental United States which led me to go back to University when I did (2004).

I was already heading for Europe to do the political asylum anyway and in the dream I was going to a school that looked like the University of Tartu, which I and seen a few months earlier on DW TVs +10 series about the 10 new European Union states joining that year or the next.

If the political asylum was accepted I would had done that anyway, but a lot of things would have to be worked out quickly to be able reverse that order. As soon as the plane landed I started to gather up letters of recommendation from former professors of mine who were still teaching in Boston.

This was luckily before stepping into a giant hole. That gave me a very good long look at Notre Dame Cathedral shortly thereafter, and also days sitting around a hotel room even more shortly thereafter.

Stepping out of the backdoor of my family’s house on Cape Cod, a deep hole right next to the door was covered with a welcome mat, like in a Road Runner cartoon. WHY? I asked. Why would you do that?

Well, we all knew it was there was what my mother responded with. That no one had thought to put the welcome mat OVER A BOARD, and that it would look just as good, and would actually be functional besides aesthetically pleasing is beyond my comprehension.

So a majorly twisted ankle later, and many hours spent sightseeing in Paris in a lot of pain left me stuck in front of Notre Dame Cathedral for a long period of time as the sun was setting.

I was becoming at risk of serious injury again by walking too much on it, and it was a nice place to sit, with a lot of history that took place right in front of me, albeit several centuries previously, but I knew a bit about it before.

Besides the pain, and wondering if a gendarme was going to interrogate me for sitting so long on the bridge over the Seine in front of the church, I had a lot of time to think, what the *uck am I doing here? Where is an immigration office? How exactly did I think that that was going to work anyway?

But luckily not being able to walk very well put Plan B very much on the table, that of going to find a college with something interesting enough to study if I could get accepted into it.

Really, I do have a LOT of background in conflicts, international organizations, political theory, and so on. And then soon thereafter, even more after a few more years of studies, once my brain and ankle healed.

Both were vastly improved by the time I got Belgium, [well at least the ankle, but I stopped getting dizzy periodically after that] the second stop and did a tour of the European Union Parliament, which I studied in depth in over several courses. Very boring parliamentary procedures and EU bodies / structures, but other courses were more interesting, like NATO and EU expansions, and transitions to democracies (such as they can be called that) and market economies.

Luckily not only having spent so much time outside Notre Dame Cathedral waiting to recover enough to walk again, I did get to go inside hours earlier when they were open.

After the fire a few years back, felt I was lucky to had been there before that. As I said at the time, hearing that was like being stabbed in the heart. The first thing I thought of was the stained glass windows. Luckily they were undamaged.

Being so much interested in symmetry and geometric abstracts, and with a good understanding of color, I was mesmerized by the artistry shown in those window designs, and that such art was made almost 800 years ago, it really brought it home to me how much people were advancing, even in ages we now write off as “primitive” and still make the same mistakes in viewing other cultures as such.

Maybe its a French thing. There were also so many other great cathedrals around Europe, even in Paris alone, which I never got to see (but can dream of doing someday), but that was always The One.

And I was glad I saw it. There may had been a picture of in on the wall at my Grandparent’s home which I went to after church every Sunday, because they lived next to the church. They definitely showed me pictures of it in books as a small child. It seems to be a very famous church. Its reputation IMO is deserved.

As much as I see the symmetry in asking a church for help, that can only come for now, as a last resort.

Where the Catholic Church is at now, seemingly STILL pushing a known to be lethal “vaccine” which definitely does not do any of the things that it was promised to do when rolled out, and not withdrawn once people started dying, and those reasons for making it in the first place were proven to be exaggerated and just plain wrong, there is no trust I think to be found there.

They are murdering people, just as much as in Gaza, just as much as in Ukraine, by inaction by not doing a serious mea culpa long overdue.

But as I said recently when I reposted “Trust as Faith” which I wrote after and because of the 9/11 New York attacks, sometimes you have to trust.

There are still marks which must be met before I can trust the Catholic Church, Russia, China, Israel, and others, and who knows, maybe they actually WILL start a major war and/or nuclear war before I will be required to take such blind leaps of faiths into the unknown again.

I can’t hope that happens so I have to brace myself for the possibility such trust will again be required.

And trusting that the US State Department would not treat me as they did Gonzalo Lira or Julian Assange, that is something that would require much as yet seeming unwarranted trust.

The twin example they set is that you can be set up on bogus charges, even in a “friendly” country, then held without charge or without adequate representation or consular services, tortured and/or die while awaiting a trial, and in “unfriendly” countries, possibly be in an even WORSE situation.

That I wrote so often last year about Gonzalo, Julian and Paul Whelan, I never held back that I was doing so not only for them, but for others who might be in their situations, or similar ones now or in the future, myself included. The erosion of International Law and normal diplomatic relations, and respect for Human Rights, as I studied them, is vast and seem nearly gone.

I can deal with being erased, with being unable to go to where I think I can be most useful to do what I think are most necessary things to do, but it pains me to no end that no one is speaking up effectively enough for peace, or against the ongoing demonization of minorities, in Palestine and in Ukraine, against ALL that the West claims to stand for, so hypocritically and so lethally.

And now that heartlessness, that dehumanization is about to bite them back, majorly.

And I have to deal with the fact that humanity may indeed actually destroy itself. It is something I have known for a long period of time might happen soon, or in a few years time, over many times, and I have tried to adjust what I know, and what I can do, accordingly to be at least in a position to best see what’s coming, and what we may be heading towards.

A potential conflict over Taiwan in this decade is all that really caught me by surprise. Until just before Russia began its Special Military Operation in Ukraine, it wasn’t even on my radar.

But if there is time enough to study it, and I am allowed to, and I am able to find the funding, I am aware that it will be very important politically going forward. And oddly, politics is something I seem to have spent a lot of time on over the years, studying about and writing about. And may do so again.


June 24, 2024


Again, not a lot of time to write.

In addition to the long quotes above, this time by Jeffrey Sachs and Ray McGovern [not reposted in this, must look at the original post to see the top quotes], I did some substantial revisions to last week’s post, and also to most all of the previous 2024 ones [which also appear below this, becoming a recurring revising reposting theme now, July 14th, since they may disappear soon].

In last week’s post, I left out mentioning why I was going to the Cemetery, and who and what it was about.

In my post “For Two Soldiers” [For Two Soldiers, Truthrevival.org / Polsci.com, June 7th, 2007], he was the first one it mentioned, the “kid from Lahaina town.”

The cemetery which I was going to was the Maui Veterans Cemetery on Haleakala, which is why I was “looking down” on the valley of Maui, the “Valley Island”.

In the revision below of last week’s post I added additional details like that, which makes the post a bit more understandable than originally written.

I will add more to that, hopefully, when addressing the other churches and cemeteries which I had mentioned that I also wished to write about last week. At least in the revision below, I did add a bit to it, I and hope to again.

“For Two Soldiers” opened with a dream, which was a real dream that I had, as it stated. It also connects to a reality my father had of being on a boat, headed to WAR!

There was a story for how he ended up being spared after being washed off the boat in a storm. No coconuts were involved, and no dress, formal or otherwise, was involved in his non-deployment. Perhaps I will cover that in a future post.

Unfortunately the world is still headed towards WAR, as I wrote back in 2007, and still getting closer it seems, not in one direction possibly leading to a major war, a false flag, cancelled elections, Martial Law, renewed lockdowns, or mandatory injections, all still “on the table” and not coming off of it anytime soon.

I have been warning about some of these potential conflicts, mostly the Iran one, for many years at different points in time.

But in the last year and a half I have been trying again to war about how bad things can get if sanity does not reemerge in Washington DC, and to stop provoking major powers (Russia and China), and major regional powers (Iran and North Korea) into open conflicts through belligerence and provocations which the United States would never stand for if anyone tried to treat us the same way, or did to us the same provocative actions.

In the 2024 reposts below I mentioned well how increasingly insane these belligerent comments have become, mostly from European leaders, but also from many US Senators and Representatives so numerous I would spend all day trying to just name them, and find their worst, most war-like saber rattling comments.

Since last week’s post, Archbishop Carlo M. Vigano has gone public that the Pope seeks to throw him out of the Church, defrock him, or toss his stripes or something, in whatever the Catholic Church does to demote someone. [Shortly after writing this on July 5th the Vatican announced that he had been tried for Schism, and had also been excommunicated from the Church.]

The globalist mainstream press [seeming universally] has not shied away from whose side of this that they stand upon. Some of Vigano’s comments and actions do seem serious enough for a discussion between them at least, but he claims that not even a formal summons had been issued to him [as would normally be the case for such serious charges or official legal actions]. Just an email.

My biggest concern, and I realize how much many are upset by the goings on in Gaza, and Ukraine, and again, by my studies about these regions in undergraduate and graduate programs about conflicts and resolutions, I do appreciate the complexities they are not easy to solve, or get a handle on.

Especially since the US has taken a very public stand against diplomacy of any sort, at least with Russia, which would be required to solve either or both conflicts, or even to begin by implementing lasting ceasefires.

But that eventuality is thought to be able to be put off until after the election. I do not agree. We are headed for a wider war.

In one post which I repost below, I mentioned I sort of bunted on the Lebanon Civil War on a final exam. It was for obvious reasons which I did not mention, but many probably could have guessed.

Once deciding on using that example, with much time already run off the clock gathering relevant things to cite (an open book exam, which cost me my advantage of retaining a lot of information about things), I limited my additions to minor things which I thought could also had been tried.

I shied away from my normal, full-bore, full-speed-ahead-and-damn-the-torpedos style of approaching things which I think are of the most important topics, and ones that I feel have not been adequately addressed to date. Often its just, give me an excuse to go to town on this topic.

But even though it was pass/fail [I originally thought the grade mattered when writing about it last year, since corrected], I still wanted to do a good job on it.

But to REALLY say what should be done in that situation did not involve MORE NGO’s but would have had to have addressed outside influences which would [inevitably] make it all come apart.

In Lebanon’s case of a civil war, those most pertinent “outside influences” would be Israel and the US. Talk about a minefield of ways to mess that answer up.

If given time enough, I would not had shied away from such a major question like that. But that was the ONLY question on the exam.

So I thought about it, and though I really wanted to swing for the fences on it (I still say bleachers but whatever), I realized that time was not working in my favor on that particular morning.

And time is not working in Israel’s favor if they go ahead and commit suicide in attacking Lebanon in a major way.

Since things are not going well in the south, in Gaza, the only reason for provoking enemies in the north is to draw in the US, and that movie will not end well.

For anyone.

And there is a good chance that world will not choose to commit suicide just because the leader of Israel decides we must.

They don’t rule the world just yet, maybe the US, but not the world, and that is not going to happen.

It seems, and I have suggested as much, that the US or parts therein, namely the State Department, are also pining for a major conflict.

Many Democrats are openly stating Trump must not be allowed to become President, whatever the cost, and they are serious. I knew we were in trouble when color-revolution tactics were starting to be employed within the US.

In the two lengthy posts I made 15 years ago about how “election questionability” was already being employed, many other factors came into play after 2016, which I have mentioned here and there now and again, but I mostly try to keep out of current races.

However, the COVID saga and mRNA vaccines are not going away. The biggest threat to democracy and freedom is still medical fascism, despite how much the traditional types of fascism have enjoyed resurgences, and not just in Ukraine and Canada.

Oh Canada! (One of the churches I wanted to/want to write about is there.) Where have you gone? Gone insane it seems.

It seems unlikely that either Donald Trump (“my beautiful, beautiful vaccine”) or Pope Francis will do a volte-face and warn people not to take the vaccine anymore, and even still, to DEMAND the causes of deaths and vaccine related injuries be FULLY INVESTIGATED Quincy-style! BY DOING THE TESTING THAT SHOULD HAD BEEN DONE IN THE FIRST PLACE AND STOP DANCING AROUND THAT YOU CAN’T START NOW!!!

I had some hope when things started turning toward a lessening of this particular avoidable genocide last December. I wrote about those events coming out of New Zealand, Australia, and in Europe via more honest studies and more honest data about excess deaths in ‘Authoritarianism & (still) Mandatory Sometimes Lethal Injections, Fear Clouding Judgment & Hiding Crimes, Read Data & Ignore Propaganda, & Stop Killing Kids Without Testing on Animals First’ on December 17th, 2024.

So while WAR and the avoidance of it has been my forte, and what I have in the past decided to guide my interests, my studies and my writings, freedom is under fire by censorship, and also from a thousand other directions.

But until this crime of the millennium of COVID “vaccines” is finally confronted enough to STOP the injections, STOP the madness (quite LITERALLY, that’s one of the SIDE EFFECTS as if it has not already become apparent enough yet, early onset DEMENTIA, cognitive decline, and the inability to see suicidal escalations with nuclear powers before it is too late).

And to stop destroying our future, and stop seeing (mostly poor) people (since the rich are exempt from mandatory vaccination in most regions) as a disease needing to be eradicated.

Because they do see them that way, and they ARE attempting to eradicate them, just more silently but just as surely, as in Gaza and other regions. Silent killers and hidden crimes are even worse.

So even if Archbishop Carlo M. Vigano does get canned, I hope that that will not lessen one bit the pressure for the Pope to FINALLY try to save lives of the born, as well as the unborn, by bringing pressure on governments to abandon this population reduction program (according to Vigano, and the survey says... sure looks that way to the informed and enlightened) disguised as “Free medical care”.

If they make it illegal to criticize, AND exempt themselves from having to take it, AND give it away free, alarm bells should have gone off in those not already braindead. And if not, soon may be.

Some good quotes above on brainwashing. I would had liked to had mentioned George Harrison’s song “Brainwashed” from his final album. Not one of his best, but his last, and had much Hawaiian influences on some of the tracks.

If the war in Ukraine does proceed towards the exit, I STILL hope to do the interviews mentioned in previous posts below. Healing post-conflict needs to be put front and center as soon as the shooting stops, if not before.

This must not become forever war, as much as certain interests want it to be. Ukraine, for those who know even a thumbnail of its tragic history, has been through enough, through the wringer too many times, and like Israel if it doesn’t cool its jets soon, won’t get to have another go before it can’t come back.

I try not to take sides in conflicts as in politics, but peace pays off for both, or for all sides, of any conflicts.

It leads to health. It leads to cognitive development.

It begins to heal those who have been traumatized by war, and can give renewed optimism that more war may finally be taken “off the table,” instead of ruling it or running it, as now.


June 17th, 2024


I meant to write a longer post today than I have time for. It was to have been an ambitious one covering 3 churches (in Paris (France), Quebec, and Maui, and 3 cemeteries (Cape Cod, Sweden, and Maui), and what I took away from each one.

However, it grew late and I did not have time to go that deep, on such difficult subjects. I will address only one for now, [Notre Dame Cathedral,] and hopefully I will finish up the rest of them later.

In 2011, as the War in Iraq 2.0 was drawing to a close, I tried to go to the cemetery where the first of the two [soldiers in “For Two Soldiers”, originally posted Thursday, June 7th, 2007, at Truthrevival.org] mentioned was buried.

It was getting late, I took a wrong turn, and my rear bicycle tire was leaking quickly though I just put air in it.

Then before having to backtrack up a steep incline when reaching a dead end [ran out of road, only fields ahead], I saw an amazing sight looking down on the valley of Maui [from Pukalani near the Maui Veterans Cemetery], with many distinct sunbeams [rainy day] breaking through several clouds hitting the towns below, and making an amazing moving light show across the valley, and one hit me in the face, right at the time Lonestar’s song “You’re Like Coming Home” came over my headphones.

It was either the first time I heard it or the first time I actually listened to it.

For me, that song became intertwined with the ending of the war, which was supposed to be officially over on the last day of 2011.

[There’s questions on when it ACTUALLY ended, or if it ever did really, but a year after that, his name was added to the wall outside my office at War Memorial Gym, about 40 feet away, so they probably waited until it was officially over before updating the list of Maui Veterans who died in combat or from action during a war.]

Then or shortly after that, I decided that that was how I would pay tribute rather than going to the funeral (the one mentioned in ‘For Two Soldiers’ [reposted in full below]) which I would had felt out of place at anyway, or by going into a cemetery, and trying to find a specific headstone.

I resolved that as soon as the war was over, I would post that video online, because I heard it as, “You’re like, COMING HOME!” so to me it was far more joyous and meaningful in that way.

At least that was how it hit me the first time I heard it, or the first time I REALLY heard it, not as background music.

[I did follow through that night of December 31st, 2011 to post a link to the video of it at that time as “Ghosts of Christmas' Past, Future Links in Past Notes, Have a Nice Day /Year /Life” (shows as January 1, 2012 am) at Truthrevival.org blog, at the bottom but YouTube has since pulled the video due to copyright issues [the link is still there but video is gone]. Other copies of the same song, and a low-quality version of that same video are available still on Youtube.]

The other things I wanted to write about are more personal, involving both my mother and father, Notre Dame Cathedral (a giveaway about one of the churches), and other things hard to do justice on in a quick post while its getting late.

I spent much more time on the very long quotes from Chas Freeman’s interview by Kim Iverson, and Tucker Carlson’s interview by Alex Jones than I intended to.

They were both interviews that were full of good quotes. I had yesterday slammed the Elon Musk’s streaming twins (Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones), because compared to Garland Nixon, Russel Brand, and The Redacted’s Clayton & Natali Morris’ recent shows, those others I felt did much more on Covid.

[Alex Jones has been making up ground a bit at Infowars.com on deaths and other ‘side-effects’ from the meant to be lethal, meant to be sterilizing, experimental “free medical care” since I wrote this. Yes he had before as well, but still improved much so just the correction now.]

And those other’s shows were trying to do stories that might stop the vaccine which is killing more, still, everyday than even the mindless slaughtering still going on in Gaza and Ukraine.

Those conflicts too are also still going on, still killing, still disturbing, and still topics I may cover in detail later.

Since as I have mentioned in posts earlier this year, I have some understandings of the Middle East conflicts origins and issues, and also in far greater detail than almost any “experts” about the Ukraine conflicts issues.

Both are of these conflicts are difficult to address, but both are far from irresolvable if there were to be a concerted effort put forward by the US toward solutions or ceasefires.

Since there is not such movement, and I have made my positions known, there is not much for me to do but wait and see if something changes somehow, and I can write about it more, or do something more, at later times.

While I may criticize some writers or YouTubers for not doing more, I do appreciate and have respect for all who have been trying to put the word out on how dangerous this world situation is, and how easily it can lead to a greater war.

Actually all three, those two plus China with Taiwan serving as the focal point/casus belli, can all easily lead to an uncontainable wider war soon.

The US State Department is seemingly on the warpath and out of control.

As I wrote last Spring, in “Deconstructing RCP Complete’s add-ons, Neocons co- opting Christian “Revelations” for Nuke Use Somewhere/Anywhere” (jareddubois.substack.com/polsci.com March 5th, 2023) the overriding goal seems to be starting a “limited” nuclear war for either risking mass death, or for letting the nuclear genie out of the bottle to intimidate/threaten other countries since they have lost intimidation through other means because of losing, or having lost and still losing, major war or conflicts.

I specifically mentioned Iran, Russia, and China were the intended places or excuses for letting the war reach explosive escalations that would make it possible to call off elections and declare a sort of martial law in the United States.

I warned about that possibility in several emailed letters to officials [elected Representatives] in 2019 via an “Open Letter” warning that the Trump Administration was considering starting something with Iran in the week before Qasem Soleimani was droned at an airport in Baghdad.

[“Open Letter to President Trump on Congressional Crisis, Iran, Putin, Russiagate, Chalmers Johnson, and my Father” at Truthrevival.org, December 28th, 2019]

Covid19 hit shortly after that, and while a full scale martial law never happened, the elections were “unique” (I say that because I wrote two full posts 15 years ago about electronic voting machines which if I had wrote those same posts after the 2020 elections I might had been arrested.)

[i.e. referring to “Pulling the Trigger on the Anti-Democracy Gun” on May 30th, 2009, and “More Roadblocks to More Verifiable and Honest Elections” on November 22nd, 2009, both at Truthrevival.org and Polsci.com]

Questioning even questionable elections is no longer permitted. It can get you arrested or have your life destroyed by targeting or selective investigations.

So a lot of things happened after that were SIMILAR to martial law, including in many states, freedom of movement, speech, assembly, and much more were curtailed.

Many, including Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones quoted above, have openly wondered if some sort of false flag is intended in this electoral season.

Many find it hard to believe that Joe Biden is who the Democrats really will run in the election (or ever intended to), should an election even take place, or that Donald Trump will be allowed to stand for re-election (with the gap years between), and if so, if it won’t be running from a jail cell.

So its not the easiest thing to call for election reform or more honest elections with paper ballot voting counted by humans on both sides, as I have done for many decades now. Elon Musk has weighed in favor of getting rid of voting machines, so that is something.

Not much though, like both parties actually making it their platforms would be.

But their platforms don’t mean much these days, and if they meant it, other than to use the issue to complain about how they were robbed when they lost in a major way, both parties have had chances in the last two decades, at times controlling both houses of Congress plus the Presidency, to make it so.

But both were fine then with the questionable counting for the most part, while they were in power and when they were in a position to change it, or put forward meaningful reforms. But they did not, obviously.

Again, there is nothing to report about me being able to change my situation.

As what happened to Scott Ritter showed, and I have been implying heavily since I first started trying to raise money to interview people in certain offices in Europe about post- \Ukraine conflict healing, especially in the churches where the most effective and the most necessary work needs to be done, that just getting the money to do so may actually be the least of what to worry about.

[i.e. going to East Europe (necessary) or going to Russia (not necessary but would be more effective at getting the right conversations started about, especially interviewing the heads of the relevant churches.]

Just because you have a passport, it doesn’t mean you will be able to use it. I have one. Gonzalo Lira was given his back. Could either of us have been able to use it, or even get to a position to find out?

Both Scott Ritter and Edward Snowden had theirs revoked at very inopportune times. Ritter’s revocation was far more convenient for him as unlike Snowden, he could simply go back to his home, whereas Snowden got to live (rent free) in an airport. [Funny typo in the original said Snowden was luckier. “Rent free” you know. ;-)]

About 20 years ago when I could have mentioned more details, I mentioned that due to the “War on Terror” many who had US passports were not allowed to return to the US without being told why (by air mostly), other than that they were on a restricted travel list.

It was either thousands or over a hundred thousand I believe at one point. So unless Scott Ritter was thinking about not returning soon, or have a much longer stay than he anticipated, he did not end up as screwed as others had been once upon a time, not all that long ago.

I did mention during my political asylum in official papers filed in Sweden, I felt that I was being pushed toward Russia simply because I was being kept from doing so anywhere else. Snowden however wins the prize on being the most easy to prove in that regards, which I have often stated “looks suspicious”.

As he himself has stated, if the State Department had instead simply let him travel to his intended destination, they could had picked him up at a later time much more easily. Stranding him in Russia, and being later refused by most or all other countries he attempted to ask for asylum in, it definitely seemed inexplicable. But I as much as anyone know things are not always as they seem.

I doubt that I could trust Russia, or ANY country, if put in a similar position of not having any other options.

To be pushed into a situation, if you cannot avoid it, usually goes hand in hand with being set up somehow. But if you are given no choice, you simply may have to ride it out, and hope that in the future, you will have more options.

I have stated above that I have issues with how the Catholic Church has handled the Covid “vaccine”, the Pope saying that “Jesus wants you to take the vaccine, Jesus wants you to give it to your children.”

Others who knew the truth about it have suggested, maybe he did not know how harmful it really was/is.

That is hard to believe since the Catholic Church has some of the best research hospitals in the world, and since the truth has been dribbling out, there has been no shift of opinion that I am aware of, no warnings to Catholics to stay away from a terrible situation and, as Archbishop Vigano implies, correctly, a massive crime against humanity.

>>from the neo-Malthusian assumption that the Earth’s population must be drastically reduced, and that its food and energy resources must be the subject of interventions that favor this reduction.
The declarations confirming this extermination plan are no longer even concealed; on the contrary, they are explicitly reiterated in the conferences and studies produced by the network of organizations and institutes financed by self- proclaimed philanthropists.
But if a lobby of very rich people declares that they want to reduce the world’s population through mass vaccinations that cause sterility, disease, and death.
And if these vaccinations do indeed cause sterility, disease, and death in millions of those inoculated, I believe that we should all expand our horizons – and I address my appeal to distinguished jurists and intellectuals, as well as to doctors and scientists – and not limit ourselves to an investigation that has as its sole object the adverse and deadly effects of the experimental serum.
If we do not situate the organization of the psycho-pandemic within the broader context of the criminal plan that conceived and designed it, we will preclude ourselves from the possibility not only of understanding that it was a premeditated crime, but also of seeing on what other fronts we are or will be the object of new attacks – all of which have the same ultimate goal, namely, the physical elimination of billions of people.
The flaws in the widespread system of censorship that is being established in almost all Western states – or rather, in those that are subject to the subversive umbrella of the World Economic Forum see the demonstration of an indisputable fact: these serums – produced by government agencies using viruses that have been genetically modiMed through gain-of-function research and which are subject to military secrecy – not only do not serve to cure the phantom Covid-19 disease.
But also induce serious adverse effects and even death; and this is not only due to the new mRNA technology with which they are produced.
But also to the presence of substances that have no relevance to the declared purpose of fighting the virus. Substances – including graphene oxide – that coincidentally were patented well before the launch of the pandemic operation – a disturbing detail, to say the least.
Therefore, given that these serums do not do what they were declared to do when they were approved by the various health agencies, but instead prove to be very effective in inducing even very serious pathologies, in causing death and in accomplishing the sterilization of those inoculated, it is necessary to take the next step.
[That] which is the one most feared by the system that imposed them – and denounce the malice and premeditation – the mens rea, as legal experts would say – of those who deliberately used a fake pandemic to exterminate the population, consistent with a mad, anti-human vision that considers humanity as the cancer of the Planet.
That is why I invite you to take the next step in this praiseworthy operation of truth and denunciation in which you are courageously committed.
Do not ask the wrong questions, because you will get the wrong answers. If you assume that the health authorities have acted with lawful purposes and that the errors made are due to inexperience or the pressure of the emergency.
If you take it for granted that the producers of gene serum have as their purpose the cure of diseases and not the most cynical profit and the creation of chronically ill people, you will end up falsifying reality, and the conclusions you will reach will necessarily be misleading.
Instead, take a forensic approach, so to speak, so that it it will be evident that there is a perfect coherence between the tools adopted and the results obtained, regardless of their stated aims; knowing that their true motivations, precisely because of their intrinsic desire to harm, had to be concealed and denied.
Who would ever admit, before fraudulently imposing a mass genetic treatment, that its intended goal was to make a very large segment of the world’s population either sick, or sterile, or dead?
But if this is what the neo-Malthusian ideology aims to achieve; if there is evidence that the adverse effects of the serums have been maliciously concealed; if in the different batches there are substances that have no prophylactic justification but which, on the contrary, induce pathologies and allow tampering with human DNA, the logical conclusions cannot fail to highlight the criminal will behind the operation.
And therefore the culpable complicity of public institutions, private entities, even the leaders of the Catholic Hierarchy, the media, the judiciary, the Police, the Armed Forces, and the entire medical class – except for very rare exceptions – in a mass extermination operation.
The question we must now ask ourselves – and that we must ask those who claim to govern us and impose on us rules and behaviors that directly affect our daily lives and our health – is not why serums have been imposed, even though they are demonstrably harmful and deadly, but rather why no organ of the State – whose ultimate goal ought to be the common good, and the health and well-being of its citizens – has put an end to this crime, but indeed has become an accomplice to it, going so far as to violate fundamental rights and trample on the Constitution.
And once we understand the complicity of the Judiciary, the Parliament, the Government, and the Head of State, we must ask ourselves what the response of citizens – whom Article 1 of the Constitution recognizes as the sole holders of national sovereignty – can and should be in the face of a subversive act and a betrayal of those in power.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
..asks Juvenal (government comes to be structured in such a way that those who are constituted in authority can harm those who must obey them.
If forces not legitimized by any political or social mandate manage to maneuver entire governments and supranational institutions with the intention of appropriating power and concentrating in their hands every instrument of control and every resource – finance, health, justice, transport, trade, food, education, information
If a subversive entity can publicly boast of having premiers, ministers, and officials at its service, we must open our eyes and denounce the failure of that social pact that is the basis of civil coexistence and that legitimizes the delegation of authority by the people to their representatives.
And from here, inevitably, must arise the awareness that the pandemic – as well as the climate emergency and all the other pseudo-catastrophes envisaged for intimidation purposes by the same lobby piece in the framework of a broader global coup d’état that must be opposed, which it is essential to denounce, and whose perpetrators – both at the top of these subversive organizations and in governments, public institutions, and the highest levels of the Catholic Church – will be inexorably tried and convicted of high treason and crimes against humanity.
But in order to do this – you will have to acknowledge this, after four years – it is essential to understand that this criminal lobby acts for Evil, serves Evil, and pursues the death not only of the body but also of the soul of each one of us; that its emissaries are servants of Satan, devoted to the destruction of everything that even remotely resembles the perfect work of Creation, anything that refers to the generous and gratuitous act with which the Creator infuses Life.
Satan is a murderer from the beginning (Jn 8:44), and those who serve him can do nothing other than desire death, whatever the means by which it is inflicted.
Pretending that we are dealing with vile merchants interested only in money and refusing to see the Satanic matrix of the globalist plan is an unforgivable mistake that none of us can make, if we really want to stop the threat looming over the whole of humanity. For this I assure you of my prayers and implore upon you the Blessing of God and the patronage of the Blessed Virgin, Salus Infirmorum. <<
Excerpt from Archbishop Viganò: Globalist ‘extermination plan’ serves Satan’s goal to kill both body and soul - Lifesite - May 14th, 2024

Who is watching the watchers indeed! [translation of Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? WHICH I GOT (but looked up anyway just to be safe.)]

Tucker Carlson has been showing awareness that there is much going on in regards to the targeting of Christianity [as an official policy in the “West” not admitted to], but the press will pretty much call that paranoia, though those who control, own, and influence the press, they know that to be an absolute fact.

Few understand that it is not normal for the US State Department, among other departments, to give press conferences full of lies, and sometimes seemingly completely full of lies about Gaza or Ukraine, and they are never called on it by the press (other than perfunctorily).

People have been acclimated that that is just the way it is supposed to be.

You are lied to.

You accept it.

You don’t ask questions.

People like me who studied totalitarian regimes, and their media operations, and Color Revolutions, are in uneasy positions.

I may not trust Russia, or China, with good reason. [More related to me specifically, not that most would be unsafe to go to such countries, or even move to them, or go to school in them.]

Even just a brief tourist stay these days in these conditions [potentially on the brink of major open conflicts] would take a leap of faith for me, but others should not be put off, nor afraid to travel there.

Better understandings and travel between publics can lead to better understandings, lessen racism or Russophobia, and help make wars or the conditions which are conducive to starting wars recede.

And even the Catholic Church, as I have mentioned, has been acting rather odd [to put it mildly].

But with all this [official] lying becoming normal [and opposing it criminal or get you excommunicated, fired, expelled, shunned, de-platformed, arrested (and in some places, shot)], how safe is it to call such things out anymore?

Is knowing more about it, and being able to explain it better and in greater detail than most, is there anything that can make you more screwed than that?

So I just watch what is going on, for now, and hope that I do not become homeless.

Perhaps some US organization might hire me as an analyst since, at no small risk, I have been going off on what I think people should know about what has been happening, and about to happen, in the Middle East [many warnings of impending war fever on Iran over decades], and in Ukraine [almost as long], and also for over a year now, in Taiwan [on Truthrevival.org and 2004-2023 Polsci.com (not the Taiwan things though possibly some in 2019, those only on Substack)].

My interest in the Taiwan situation I detailed in my last post. It is a potential conflict which I have studied the longest, but which I have the least depth in compared to the other two (the Middle East regional conflicts and post-USSR conflicts and potential conflicts).

But of all the qualities which define me, getting up to speed quicker than most, or sometimes quicker than ANY other, is what I am best at.

For me, understanding conflicts like these has always been seen by me as a matter of life and death.

So while I am not starving yet nor do I have holes in my shoes in an arctic environment [that sucked], I can say I have been in worse situations than I am now.

I can hope that the US can scrape together talent enough to get a handle on these conflicts and move them toward ceasefires, but from what I know, and what I have seen, I am not hopeful. But as they say, and I said above in a quote, [what it refers to is only in the original post] hope dies last.

>>When further asked by journalist Pavel Zarubin if he believes the latest peace initiative could lead to some meaningful dialogue with the West, Lavrov responded by saying that “hope is the last to die.”
“Those that have ears to hear, let them hear. Those that have brains, let them understand,” the minister said, adding that, although he was “not sure that everything is alright with those organs” when it comes to the Western politicians, he still hopes that some good can come of it.<<
Moscow reveals next steps after Putin’s Ukraine offer Rt.com - June 14th, 2024

So since I could not think of anything to write about again, this was just to set up a repost.

Since I did big reposts last year, all of 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D Thinking Made Simple, and also Deconstructing the Universe, plus all its Notes 1-6 (in the same post even), this time I am reposting all of the essays that marked my return to writing after a 8 year break.

The essays below [need to go to the original for that, this is just a spelling/grammar corrected recap] were released as Morality: Individual and Social (1999-2000) and 2001’s Towards Tomorrow.

They were reworked in a stripped down fashion intended for Unlostworld.com, which for now is where the old 2004-2023 Polsci.com has been relocated to until things as far as world crisis’ goes subside. For now, when working, Polsci.com should point to Jareddubois.substack.com.


June 3rd, 2024


[this does not included images shown in the original post]

I had to scale back what I intended to write because the interview of Viktor Orban was hard to find and very exhaustive of good quotes.

The one last time with Glenn Diesen and Pascal Lottaz (Neutrality Studies Youtube channel) was also full of good relevant stuff on the mania that seems to be driving Europe to a war rush which will, presumably, deteriorate things much further and more quickly, if not lead to open warfare between the EU, the United States, and Russia.

To get away from all that, and to get off this hellish (not really) island, I thought 2 years ago to think of studying, or at least talking about studying, the Taiwan issue, for reasons mentioned below in the reposts (all these posts are mostly reposts now), was the best thing I could think of doing.

Whether that is possible or not, only time and actually have a means to leave financially and somewhere to go to study, can tell.

I figured that if things were close enough to a World War III scenario, it would become possible.

Or if the neocons were falling out of power, or a different approach to foreign policy in the US became considered other than which country should we try to overthrow in a color revolution (my expertise more provable than what I know about the Middle-East (some well timed “Look out, so and so, may be about to start a war in Iran, from low fruit to highly dubious TV pundits and stars of reality TV and sitcoms in strange languages).

So though I don’t brag (and can’t), I have been watching (and sometimes warning) about the Middle East’s likelihood to boil over into a regional war for quite some time.

Since Polsci.com was started in 2004 while studying the breakup of the Soviet Union, it’s wars and border issues, my papers from that time are pretty well documented and preserved, and have been reposted heavily again last year, mostly because I am too lazy to write anything new, and because they were sometimes very good.

If I was really thinking about going back to college again, it seemed a good idea to show off my previous sh*t, which also should be heavily hinting (and occasionally demonstrating) that I can still write pretty well and know what is going on in the world, unfortunately.

I think I have zeroed in on some pretty good segments or videos to highlight quotes of this year, which luckily just happened to fall near when I was thinking of writing something.

I did want to do a recap of all the great quotes I had used last year, but it was hard enough time-wise (I am very poor and still probably about to be homeless) to just do a recap of what I did write, to give me some perspective on it going forward, and to make it less likely for me to be repeating myself too much.

In warning about potential wars with China, Russia, and/or Iran, though it may seem repetitive, seemingly they still NEVER seem to get enough of pushing the world closer and closer to the edge of the abyss. It is REALLY getting to be annoying sometimes.

I knew when I came to Kauai, just like Europe, I was getting myself into something that might be hard to get out of. It seems more likely that here SHOULD be pretty easy to leave, and to even survive here given my ridiculous high skill set and (knock on wood) still high intelligence.

But some forces seem to still be pushing me toward my own abyss. I don’t worry about it too much because at least unlike Europe I have had enough to eat.

That was nice. And the weather was nice. The people, unbelievably nice.

But still the world is circling the abyss as far as potential war goes.

Though I can still write well about important subjects, and quote other people who seem to know stuff when I am too lazy to do so or running out of time again, like now, I can’t seem to find a way to get paid for it yet.

If I try too hard to raise money, it would seem like I am doing this for money, fame or any reason other than not wanting to die in a nuclear war.

For me, that is still pretty much the only reason. Even if I COULD get a high paying job enough to afford to live here, I don’t see that much time on the clock as far as “excrement about to hit air circulation device” in Europe or the Middle East.

I had HOPED Taiwan was being put on a back burner so I could actually go there if soon to be studying about it, but they just keep pulling it back in, just when I thought it was out of the firing line/squad.

As I wrote here, I just thought it was a good way to deflect away from the continuing plan to turn Ukraine into a forever war.

By trying to get to Europe to do interviews about what might be done to help the healing in Ukraine definitively take root, like putting attention on what may be in store for Taiwan soon, was to of course highlight that from what Washington DC and the European elites seem to wish, its NEVER supposed to end or heal, just keep bleeding on and on into a very lucrative standoff like Korea.

Decades of contracts for blowing sh*t up, then for rebuilding it, and then for blowing it up again. My song Supersonic (posted here last year from 1991 (based upon what I learned from my years of Middle East studies)) described that never-ending cycle very well.

Like music, which I like to do but cannot figure a way to get paid for in the US, art and painting is something I am very good at, and may be my saving grace to hopefully get to go overseas to study (if allowed) if I am indeed as unemployable because of unseen hands as back in 2020.

Still can’t get any help with Amazon on if my books are actually being seen, paid for, or read for free.

With no revenue streams possible for me, there’s no reason to write new books or programs.

Like the triangles I will mention, back in the 1980s I made 12 or 13 paintings, of geometric abstract designs.

Two of which I though were very good, cannot sell, wanted to give one to the Catholic Church and one to the Russian Orthodox Church, not that they would want them nor have any use or idea what to do with them.

But they have been around for awhile (almost 40 years) and I thought they might keep them safe for me, in case reincarnation is a thing, or I finally am able to stay in one place until I die, I may ask to borrow them back. A trust thing.

Those were posted here, in full, if anyone wants to make prints of them, thousands of pixels by thousands, enough to make good prints of if anyone wants to sell them.

That I am unknown (though once not obscure) at least as an artist, some might appreciate them and want to sell them. If you want to kick back something to the person who made them possible, it might help me, “if I ever get out of this place” in a good, Band on the Run sense.

Of the 12 or 13, 3 seem to be lost, somewhere in some random persons houses, probably on Cape Cod, or in a landfill thereof. No accounting for taste. Two more I have not disowned, and someday if my hands still move well, I might finally finish them.

After 40 years or so, I seem to be in no hurry, nor when I can afford to paint, have no time, and when I have time to paint, usually no money. And so it goes. Where it’s going, nobody know.

But there were some, five I think, that my late father kept, and still may be locatable if anyone wants to buy one, or put on a show with the two good ones which, as I said, anyone is free to make prints of, called Harmony and Atomic. If you cannot guess which one is which, I don’t think you are qualified to make them, but feel free to anyway if you wish.

Unless resized, you should be able to see just about every brush stroke, such as they are. You may see why I thought these two were keepers. And two others I won’t mention and can’t show because I don’t have pictures readily at hand, might come out good one day.

But the ones my father spared from the junkyard or being lost to people who may or may not appreciate them, I am posting here in case someone might like to do a show, or buy one. With the two good ones above, some might like a show, but these other ones I was not happy with the colors, though the concepts were ok.

Just the execution left me cold. These have been modified because they were not straight when photographed and the light was poor. They look closer to what I hoped the colors might had been.

Most of the designs came from doodling while being bored listening to lectures, mostly about politics, sociology, psychology, etc. while in school. It would be nice if they could pay my way back again.

The notebook covers were usually pretty good too. Unlike the pages margins, I had to try harder with the covers because I had to carry them around all semester and people might think less of me if my notebook covers sucked.

Someone actually STOLE 2 notebooks from a course I left them behind in. Some good songs, designs, and of course, notes I needed. 15 minutes and pfft, they was gone. These are the ones that were not stolen.

I came up with that one while being bored in the main old lecture hall dating back hundreds of years. I might had “improved” the graffiti etched into the ancient tables there to be more intelligent and/or symmetrical (symmetry a big thing with me, can’t be lopsided in designs or lame), but I would never dare deface anything by starting a new thread of whatever it was that was already going on on that desk’s surface.

In the Oppenheimer post last year [Screw Oppenheimer: Where Sakharov Meets IZ, Politically 4-Dimensional, A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Multiverse, My Most Notable Learning Programs from AAA to Zed(lam), and 1 Earth too few/too many - Sep 17, 2023 - Polsci.com / Jareddubois.substack.com] I went over some of my programs.

The 4D games of course had symmetry but one I was especially proud of. The original hypercube level, as I mentioned this year, did have both internal and external axis rotation.

That was pretty cool because I don’t know if it had been done before that (2004). But what was really good when trying to stack hypercubes together mentally, turning off colors to image where edges and corners might be, while rotating it, was pretty good.

Since I have not been trying to stack hypercubes together mentally for quite some time, it’s not something I have gone back to often, but like the 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D Thinking Made Simple book, it was made so that someday it might help others to burn their brains out on trying to build a 5D cube mentally like I tried to do.

Its not symmetric like the other games (I finally did full 4D levels of cube and triangle based games in 2013 when I took a few months off from the County of Maui Parks Department to make new programs.

Since I was too poor to take vacations, after few years I had months of vacation time saved up, so put it to programming use) but this is from the Zedlam game I would like to find someone to develop, in any country that would want to. If you look at Ukraine, which was accurate at the time, you might see why I don’t think that will ever happen from/with any company in the US.

Still too early (even for me) to say where exactly Ukraine’s new borders will end up, but I gave my best guess, which I only did because Elon Musk gave his map, and mine was better.

Or at least more likely because of how much I had studied the issue of what might happen there, and spend a REALLY long time making these maps (Europe, the US, and THE WORLD). I would do the Universe next but I already deconstructed it, and forgot how to put it back together.

2 were on one of the paintings below, 2 were on my trademark of an X for Xiocom, a domain like Omnicenter that I paid a lot of money for only to lose for nothing, like the 12 or so I own now but may never get to sell.

Number 11 I drew on my left arm after doing the 6 on the car, and was happy, and stoned, so I decide to see what a tattoo would look like of the same triangle.

Number 12 was actually burned onto my right arm as a scar, about the same size, but not mirrored as I would have wanted, if it was intentional, like the dragon tattoo’s Kawai Chang Cain did in Kung Fu while lifting the heavy pot. I got mine from a hot grill I was trying to carry to the sink.

So it was cool that Orban, in a good interview, much better than the one Tucker Carlson did, which because it was not very good gave me the idea to do a better one, mentioned at least one Alternative Future.

The program I mentioned [and Master’s program called Alternative Futures] recently was real, and I really did apply to it. I could never really try to get a degree in something that obvious or I would have to try to figure out how to put the Universe back together if I did.

Too much work, but did make for a funny line my former instructor did not remember me enough to get why it was never meant to be a real goal, just to get accepted into a Master’s program in Hawaii.

I could then, as now, probably passed the GRE with flying colored revolutions, but there was no time to do so without waiting another year, so I was out $100 for the application fee.

That being burned with little notice <g> was why I have not yet actually applied for Eastern Asian Political Science programs, because I am too poor, and they may change the requirements at the last second, like they did with COVID shots not being/being required. But luckily I didn’t lose any money on that one, but didn’t FINALLY get my second semester of Music Theory after a respectable interval.

So Taiwan studies is still “on the table” for me, if there will still be a table or a world left to put that table on. It wasn’t until the plane landed in early morning on a much colder than Hawaiian January of 2004 that I fully realized my bluff had been called and I really had to go back to school after 14 years.

It was fun, and what I wrote that very early morning tired and about to sleep after a bouncy propeller-plane ride started my (5D) Notes, part 2. I will end this with that, and next time might make a real post for a change.

>>Wanting to do or have something that seems difficult or unrealistic to achieve can be a false want, or a wanting equivalent of a false hope. Should you one day find it achievable, within reach, or even to possess or achieve it, you may find it no longer desirable. You wanted it because to do so would be to achieve the near impossible, because it seemed out of reach, not necessarily because of anything about it itself. Such false wants can be thought of as excuses to fail. One might think if one attempts the impossible or severely unlikely and fails, the fault lies not within them or their abilities but in their choice of a desired goal.
That may be the case from one point of view. Another valid way to see it is that to live is to do. It really does not matter, if each individual is given free choice, what they want to attempt to do with that freedom. That choice of goals would be their own and the path they choose is or would be in a sense who they are, for it is what they would desire to choose to create or how to define themselves with time and in time. For many what is easy to attain is not desirable. They must constantly be extending their reach, or forever seeking to define by doing just how long that reach is and where any limits if any, are to be found. It is like being in a room of unknown size and shape.
It is only natural to keep trying to find walls, or ways to define the size and shape of the environment you find yourself within, always if time allows exploring it a little further each day. What is around which corner or behind each wall if you find any, and what purpose (do) they serve or what do they wall you off from finding. That is time, that is life, that is what we do, and because what we do is what we are or seem to become.<<


May 20th, 2024


I wrote on Twitter/X and Telegraph recently, I am happy with the order and times I wrote what I did. When I thought a war with Iran was likely, I usually wrote something well, not that I think it ever might have made much of a difference. 2 weeks ago in a post, I did a summary of some of them in the “Turn Back Time” post.

I left out “Real Men Fear Nuclear War” which was one of the best, because I covered that well in a complete repost here last year with that in the title. It should be easy to find if anyone wishes to read it.

The repost this week is the ones AGAIN from the post 2 weeks ago, my best bits about why we should not risk war with Iran, as it would turn out of control rather quickly. Given the events of today, the death of the President, now confirmed, in a helicopter accident, I figured that the repost should be the same as it was two weeks ago.

Hopefully it was an accident or malfunction. It seems unlikely when the tensions are this high. But many wish the tensions to be this high so that anything almost can become a casus belli for the larger more deadly war they crave, even lust for.

Most of the day while transcribing the quotes above, I kept checking the news, hoping that some miracle might occur and the crash might not have incurred fatalities. But that was not to be.

The best one can hope for, other than that it wasn’t intentional, is that a way again can be found to keep this from becoming the wider war, which might had been the reason, quite obviously, why it would had been done if it were not simply an accident or malfunction.

In several posts last year I compared the constant provocations aimed seemingly at getting, take your pick, Russia, China, or Iran to do something which would then be used to suddenly say to our mindless extremely programmed publics, “look what they just did COMPLETELY UNPROVOKED.” Its getting old but that never stops them from trying it again and again and again.

As the quotes above show, or at least their speakers hope, the world is catching on. In some posts, I mentioned they start the clock at what to remember or think about just after doing something EXTREMELY provocative which has to be at least half-hidden or not talked about, to show what dastardly evil monsters we are up against.

I don’t mean to single out any country, but many of NATO states cannot quit verbally one-upping each other to see who’s rhetoric can be more over the top in regards to it bellicosity. Thus far at least today, from only the few snippets I heard, the winner seems to be Estonia. Its leader suggested that Russia be broken up into smaller statelets.

She is not the first to suggest it. Some leaders/foreign offices have even floated maps on how Russia should be carved up, and soon. That alone is not why I said that state has gone the furthest to my knowledge but actually saying which Russian cities they will destroy on NATO’s behalf within Russia should a war break out. They “called them”.

To any sane people who know the region, or have any brain cells whatsoever, would know, Russia would respond in kind, pretty much immediately. It is one thing for arm chair warriors to make such statements in drunken stupors, but not for officials of governments in any capacity to do such speculative bragging about which of their neighboring countries cities they will destroy if only someone would give the word.

I have been writing often about how seemingly insane France’s and the United Kingdom’s rhetoric have become towards a conflict with Russia but at least they are a deceptively seemingly some distance away, not right on the border with Russia.

Some may say it was not wise for me to touch upon the COVID mania, and stay in my lane, as if any subject is safe to say the absolute truth about without fear of retribution these days in the United States, my lane of mostly just warning for the umteenth time about how dangerous war with Iran would be.

And having to even have thought about having to warn against a war with Russia or China, again also imminently avoidable, really should be an indication that to think any warning would ever be needed, certainly would show those who would consider the idea even to be too far gone to warrant the effort.

But I get bored sometimes and would not wish to die before stating something that obvious when it comes down to being “on the table” again. And it is. It already may be too late judging from the worst possible spin on todays events.

I believe some of the people I have quoted or written about might have been aware of some of these posts. That has been a good thought, though not why I do it.

Some write for money and others for having people read it.

When I first started writing poetry before being “beyond banned” for things I wrote, well, during the political asylum about intelligence being “fixed” and certain people being “out of the loop”, many did see my poetry and give feedback. And definitely got many letters about programs which many paid for.

The writing was always free.

These things I write I hoped if timed right, might move the needle towards peace, or when already too late, might help to close the gash before things became fatal for everyone.

I got into politics because often during Reagan’s years it looked like we came close to a nuclear war, and I wished if things ever got that bad again, I would not be necessarily able to stop it, but might be able to give a heads up, or a “watch out” when it looked like the driver was asleep at the wheel.

That’s been the case for a long time now and a LOT more are beginning to wake up to that disturbing fact. Whether that will help rouse the driver or finally get us a competent one who actually WISHES to avoid collisions into catastrophic consequences of unnecessary conflagrations, one can only hope. But lately I feel less like I am doing so as alone, as it has felt in the past.

The interviews I mentioned in the last post, I may not be the BEST POSSIBLE one to do, but I certainly am near the top, which is why I believe, at least prior to the assassination attempt on the Prime Minister of Slovakia, most would had said yes to doing an interview on the topic I had planned.

At least in the brighter news of today, his prognosis of survival is looking up.

The more ideal interviews inside of Russia were not included in the second fundraiser description because the worsening situation in relations is getting even more extreme and getting a visa could become problem soon. I never expected the fundraiser to be successful, merely to put more focus on issues I had hoped to raise, to think of what to do after the shooting stops.

How the divisions within that region might begin to heal.

As the quotes above at the top of this state, there is an increasing religious aspect to these wars. That is unfortunately something I have been aware of its potential, and have written about where this might go many years ago more than once.

It is not new ground to me. Taiwan’s status, though not new as a concept to me, has reemerged as in play in ways not just potentially horrible.

I followed Hong Kong’s similar situation and though I don’t think it is 100% applicable to this issue, it is a template for what might happen. I am not stating it is any of MY business, nor the United States'. I am saying as someone who has studied similar issues, it is interesting and important. And as the events of this week show, sometimes dramatic and not boring.

Another thing some may not realize, whether to do interviews with people in Europe (and get close to actually be able to speak in person with former instructor’s to get proper recommendations if they so choose to do) or to study about East Asian politics overseas, is for me doing so is to try to be objective, even if no one believes it.

Journalism has become a joke because it is mostly propaganda. It has long been devolving and some, here and there, at least try to maintain objectivity. And in proper research on issues, one MUST try to constantly maintain some objectivity to learn anything.

For me, INPUT MODE does not mean not writing. It means trying to take in EVERYTHING objectively, and I do mean everything. As I have written, more than others I focus on change, what has changed, what is changing, what is about to change, and occasionally what I think thing should be changed.

But that I try to approach VERY gingerly. I am hopeful there is a way forward. Things have certainly looked bleaker before. But many things I know the potential of before they occur, and the potential way forward is there. It is easy to be critical of what you think others should do, and I do fall into that often.

Gaza is something which shows on a daily basis, not only by who is doing what, and who is being done unto, but how the whole world, mostly, is unfazed or not bothered enough to demand change. I know change WILL come, and will come very soon. The situation in not stable and unstable things lead to dramatic change.

If the helicopter crash today was know accident, it is clear what change or which changes those responsible hope things will change. Will the rest of humanity which will then undoubtedly also suffer get a vote? Would their opinions be heard or make any difference to the powers that be?

Someday that too will change for the better. That is up to you who may read this. I usually try my best, those times when I think the time is right to try. And if I am writing again, for me that time is now. What others do to help or hinder that, or set there own course, that’s up to you, and them. To stand up, or lie down, possibly this time for good.


May 12th, 2024


In several posts last year I mentioned that the “frozen conflicts” which I began studying in 2004 as an undergraduate, and the Ukraine “color revolution” in a Master’s Program devoted to revolution and why people revolt, were not the first regional conflicts which I studied in depth or did “deep dives” into them, their causes, their publics, their politics, and probable ends.

I began wading into these studies in two posts mentioning a memorable final exam. These were the ones late in 2023 with titles here beginning with “Return to Boston” and “Don’t Look Back”.

I am not only obviously a fan of the band Boston, but that is where I did most of my studies in America on Politics, International Relations, International Law and Organizations, Political Theory, and courses in Middle-East Politics and conflicts.

I wrote major papers on the United Arab Republic, its history and disbanding, as well as those states around Israel and various wars with those states participating.

The United Arab Republic was a union or merger of Egypt and Syria which had aspirations to add other Arab states. Gamal Abdel Nassar, the Leader of Egypt was its President until his death. Syria left after a few years due to a coup, and later it was officially ended under Anwar Sadat, reverting back to just Egypt.

The instructor for the exam mentioned last year about a Lebanon-type civil war aftermath was also the instructor for the course in which I wrote the paper about the United Arab Republic. He was one of my best instructors, was also my student advisor, and in a good way, my Professor KingsMeld. (Not scary but expected a lot.)

As he described it, if you wrote a major term paper (17 pages was around the minimum) for one of his classes, he expected you to treat it like a Master’s Thesis, but shorter.

To help you accomplish this, he said he would make himself available to advise you through the process as if it was an actual Master’s Thesis. What he said was, that if you did well in it, you should feel confident that you will also be able to handle a real one, and do just as well in post-graduate papers.

I believe he was my instructor for two such papers I wrote, the latter being about the Iran-Iraq conflict, its roots and causations, and how it affected the politics across the region.

That course was entitled Politics of the Middle-East.

I probably also concentrated on the Middle-East a lot in papers for the Politics of Third World Countries course because there was overlap and could reuse my previous knowledge and save some money on books since I already had some and already read them.

Generally I got high grades from him and he recommended me for the Senate internship, in which I also did well. However, since I stated before I sort of bunted on one of the exams, he had known I had not answered to my ability or shown my extensive knowledge of the region in examples.

Several reasons contributed to why I “bunted” as I term it. It was 1/3 of the grade and I already had an A average in the course. It was a difficult question to answer, but a thought provoking question of how to help out a country after a civil war with 3 major groups. How should an interim government be approached? Which NGOs would you recommend and which United Nation organizations should help until a stable government is formed?

It was a great question but I knew I was screwed when he said it would be an open book exam. My advantage, besides having a good grasp of a similar real life situation in Lebanon (it was covered in the course, and Lebanon came up in the preparation of that term paper for the course), is that I could remember a lot of information. I as well as others immediately started opening books and hunting for examples.

Though I knew what I wanted to write, being an open book exam, it would be much worse to get any details wrong if you could had simply looked them up during the exam. It also meant, I thought, more details would be required to be a good answer. I spent about 20 minutes to 1/2 hour going over what to write, and did not leave much time for writing. About an hour remained.

It highlighted for me trying to come up with an “good” answer that there was not a lot of things written, and least that I had read or was fresh, about how to get out of a war, or actually how to restructure an interim government which may expire, or may end up the foundation of a more stable and inclusive government.

It stuck in my head years later as a great question but a mineMeld to try to answer if I was going to base it on existing real life countries. Plus he expected people to justify their positions.

Bunting and not taking chances as I normally would on questions like that did not go over well. He knew I held back and simply gave an answer anyone else could have. I believe it was given a C.

[Corrections, I probably didn’t have an A average in that course, and may not have tried that hard because, in addition to the reasons mentioned, and some not, it was taken Pass/Fail so that probably had factored into not writing something as critical or daring as I might otherwise had wanted to do.]

It was nice to talk with him years later, and I did compliment (sort of) the exam in the sense that it was a good question and thought provoking.

He also asked since I was there still doing research on my thesis about Ukraine, its color revolution, and stills somewhat about corruption as was in the research proposal, what my plans were. I mentioned I was thinking about applying to a program at the University of Hawaii. I mentioned it was called “Alternative Futures”.

He found it an interesting topic of study and then we talked about how he was writing a book about a potential war with China. I might have expressed my interest since as I stated in the previous post and above, that was also a topic I hoped to be able to pursue one day. I have read some chapters of his book so far.

The program I applied to at first I was accepted into, because they said no GRE exam would be required since I had recently be in an overseas Master’s program of studies.

After applying, it was decided since it was only a one year program, I would need to take a GRE exam after all.

Though I had not been turned down, I wrote a post on my blog stating, though I was not turned down, I was still upset, mostly about paying $100, which was then as now a huge amount of money to have wasted.

I then wrote in that post that I would NEVER write about politics again since “my only path forward, studies at university” had been “blocked.” Though I admitted in that post, it wasn’t really blocked since if I did take a GRE, it was probably guaranteed, I would get in.

Since I then had worked for the County of Maui for about 10 years, going back to college at that level was not an option since it required constant air travel or quitting my job, which did not pay enough for the air travel. I applied to a few State of Hawaii jobs once in while with thought of working on a different island with a Master’s program, but only occasionally.

Only after leaving Maui did I seriously consider going back to get a Master’s degree. Until 2022, nothing seemed interesting enough going on in the world to study in great depth and seemed relevant and important.

After expressing interest by email in 2022 to some programs in the countries who were offering good programs, are in the region, and would be included in the topics of study I wanted to pursue, the war in Ukraine and the risk of it spinning out of control gave me reason to pause the idea.

Most likely the program of studies I will apply to will deal with the East Asian region as a whole, and would included China and US relations in regards to each other, to Taiwan, and to other nations of the region.

That would enable me to pursue the Taiwan issue in context to the region’s politics and security issues as a whole, and pick the final topic from the mix of what seems most interesting at the time in regards to what the classes cover, or what interest is sparked by them.

The idea of doing some interviews about what comes after a hopefully soon ceasefire leading to a resolution of the conflict in Ukraine I have again begun to focus on. While Polsci.com and other sites I have posted my writings to (mostly blogs) have had some lean years, I have been writing more or less constantly at intervals.

Last year I wrote more posts than I intended originally and consisted mostly of reposting my best writing, but as the previous post, “Turning Ahead Time” last week shows, there was also some new writing about current topics in last years posts as well.

The “Real post” this time is a repost as usual, but also I am including a repost from a few hours ago, the shortest turnaround time so far. It is of the new “blurb” or “story” I wrote for a new fundraising attempt to raise money to do the interviews in Europe soon regarding how best those in the region view the prospects of healing in the region after the conflict ends or further winds down.

I, as many others, hope that that end is fast approaching as too many have died so far, and it should for humanity’s sake as well as for those in Ukraine and Russia, end as soon as people can find the courage to talk peace, and hopefully then achieve it. But that won’t happen until the discussions begin.

The second repost was in reposted last year as well, titled “The Power and The Mana.” It was one of my favorites and was written about in 2 blog posts that tell the backstory of it. I mentioned it could only had been written in Kula, in Rice Park, and I had to wait 6 months before all the factors to write it lined up.

I also said, “once I get it in my head to write something at a specific time and place, it either happens or it doesn’t.” Fortunately for me it did. I took a photo of the laptop just before writing it and the view from in front of it showing both coasts of Maui facing down the mountain. [FINALLY found it.]

It was the only place I felt that I could haver written it from, before writing it. I assumed it would be great because its the only time I thought to do that. Good thing it did not rain as there was no cover over the picnic tables.

Later a few hundred meters away the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park would be built, and his statue has almost the same exact view as the photo I took.

Though I was familiar with his place in Chinese history, I did not know of his times in Hawaii, both in schooling or in exile. I assume that the park was somewhere near the house he and his family lived in on Maui. It was in the town of Kula on the mountain called Haleakala, which appropriately translates as “House of the Sun”.

I hope if I do study on Taiwan or in China, or go there during my studies, to visit the much bigger memorials there to Sun Yat-sen. I have seen pictures of them. They are beautiful, but the one on Maui has the most spectacular view, and should been seen by any who travel to Maui and have an interest in Chinese history.

His time in exile ended, and his life was still just beginning. Napoleon on the other hand never got off his island and exile alive.

However, one achievement of Napoleon struck me as unique, and that he was already defeated once before before his Waterloo.

He rode out personally to meet with and confront the army which was sent to kill him, alone. He met with them, talked, and then that became his army. Or so the story goes at least how I heard it. (He probably got a statue or two somewhere also, being French and all.)

That’s a hell of a beginning to a Part 2. He never got to a Third Stage though. (I had to work in one last Boston reference. :-)

I am trying to raise funds to travel to Eastern Europe to conduct interviews with officials about what they think can best be done to promote healing between the regions affected by the military conflict in Ukraine.
The Ukraine near civil war in 2004 was the focus of my Master's Thesis at the time in which its work was begun during a Master's Program in Sweden devoted to "Why People Revolt" and did comparison of recent "color revolutions" at the time.
The one I had spent time on delving into the roots of, then and previously in Estonia (like Ukraine another new state and both were previously parts of the Soviet Union), was dubbed the "Orange Revolution."
Like the first project on Kickstarter 6 months ago, I hope to interview officials in the region, preferably Hungary, Russia, and other parts of the former USSR or previous communist European states.
Prior to my Master's studies on Ukraine and Russia tensions, I received a Certificate of Baltic Studies while studying the transitions those states went through when switching from Communism to Capitalism and from a single party government to multi-party parliamentary systems.
Since I had lived in two of the 3 states that had been in both the USSR and were new or joining states to the European Union and NATO, I was familiar with, and was a major part of my studies, how the EU functions and what criteria existing and candidate states needed to fulfill or achieve to gain acceptance and full membership.
While I did not submit my thesis for approval, I continued to work on it upon returning to the United States. I have continued to write about politics and the region whenever something came up I considered of major importance.
Among these topics were the "Arab Spring" uprisings, the Occupy Movement, student protests in Canada, various times the US was moving toward potential even greater wars in the Middle East, the potential conflict in Ukraine before and during it, and a potential pending risk of a conflict with China, both on my main website, Polsci.com / Jareddubois.Substack and a Google Blog of Truthrevival.org, among others.
The idea to conduct these interviews had roots or genesis in two different areas. One is that I had planned on returning to University to study the risk of a conflict with China, mostly in regards to Taiwan as a potential trigger. I had been talking with some Universities overseas since early 2022.
The other was due to an interview by Tucker Carlson with Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary. While it was a generally good interview in some respects, I felt it feel short of its potential because Tucker Carlson lacked depth and expertise enough to know which questions or follow-ups could fully make use of such an interview.
I had originally put forward this idea of interviews in a Kickstarter in late November of 2023 which did not meet its goal. I am trying this new attempt because while many things have changed, the situation in Ukraine has gotten worse, and that was to had been the major point in doing the interviews: to focus on what can be done to help the healing processing in Ukraine once the fighting ends.
Since my last attempt, an estimate 200,000 more people have died in that conflict, so that is why I think it has "gotten worse". I believe, again, it is nearing an end or endgame and now is the time I believe people should start focusing on what may come after the ceasefire, which hopefully will happen soon.
My studies other than the many specific to this region and even this conflict, have centered often around majority / minority relations, as well as what conflicts and potential conflicts were made possible and likely due to the "new" and somewhat arbitrary borders resulting in the breakup of the USSR.
And also similar issues regarding the borders and potentials for conflicts there and in the Middle East. I should be writing about those potential conflicts too soon, as that was my first area of expertise.
Due to my focusing on post-conflict plans, reconstruction if you will of the political sphere, I am aware of that wherever the new borders will be between Ukraine and Russia once finalized and hopefully agreed upon, ultimately there will be those who speak Ukrainian who end up on the Russian side of the border, as well as Russians who will be living in regions which will be under the Ukrainian state.
That focus on those affected, where the fault lines run, both in the Middle East and in Ukraine, is and has been a area of interest since I began studying Politics and Conficts of various regions, first in the Middle East, then in Eastern Europe.
Major studies and papers I had done were focused on the causes and after-effects of the war between Iran and Iraq 1980-1988, and various conflicts in and around Israel, including a "deep dive" into United Arab Republic as a case study in supra-national governments. It was a combined state of Egypt and Syria briefly, which was ended due to a coup within Syria.
I hope to use the funds to travel to Eastern Europe and interview officials on what they think can be done to help heal the region to prevent another conflict from taking place.
In other words, once a ceasefire is achieved, how do they think the world and other states, as well as NGOs, Churches and other faiths of the region can reestablish good relations and dialogue.
Countries can do so only so much. Most of the healing begins, and conflicts only truly end, within the hearts and minds of the survivors of the conflict who live in the regions and areas most affected by them.


May 6th, 2024


If I do have a road ahead, as I have stated in most of these posts, all 30 original parts of last years posts, I hope it leads to studying the Taiwan issue.

I have spent 2 years looking for the right time and circ*mstance. The war in Ukraine has complicated that possibility, should it even be a possibility. My hope is that that will be winding down soon.

In the posts below I mentioned hoping to interview Orban, Lavrov, and the head of the Russian Orthodox Church about how they think the healing could best be helped and nurtured between the different parts of what was previously Ukraine and between varying churches which had been negatively affected.

I hoped that might serve as a “bridge” delving deep full-on into the Taiwan issue.

One might ask why would I do that? Because I think each of those interviews to be possible, and if not, probably someone lower in each organization. That alone would be reason enough to try.

I think my previous studies of what lead to the conflict, that I am about as neutral as one might be though an American, having studies similar, and this particular issue for years, and have tried to be a true gadfly.

My interest in Taiwan is even deeper. A person from Taiwan married into my family when I was a child. In the posts below I stated I also had an interest in Martial Arts, Billy Jack was an icon of mine,

and in college studied Taoism far more than most. I stated in the Introduction to “Deconstructing the Universe”, Taoism is one of the core foundations of my beliefs.

I even tried to study Mandarin and got about a semester’s worth before I walked away from college for awhile, eventually using Russian instead to graduate, which was easier.

From Wordplay, TruthRevival’s first post & mission statement:

>>In my studying of other cultures, the biggest revelations for me came from studying Chinese philosophy and Buddhism, and getting beyond the duality of 'Good' and 'Evil.' Such attitudes are called 'Eastern thinking' in opposition to our 'Western thinking.'
No culture in the next 100 years can call itself 'developed' or 'enlightened' without having a foot firmly in place on both sides. Each exposes the limitations in the others type of thinking. Each side has its own poisons as well.
The West seeks to eliminate all opposing viewpoints to its 'universal' values, now by the US actions, unsubtly at the point of a gun, while openly violating all of those values at the same time. But the West has a toleration for ethnic diversity which the East lacks.
Yet the shortcomings of both lie in their imagined 'superiority' over others, that you cannot be at the 'top' of the cultural spectrum without others being at the bottom. More limitations of words and concepts.
When writing about my poetry and Taoism which influenced it, I first had to speak to the fact that it was using a different 'language' than what I had been raised in.
The East/West divide in thinking are different ways of looking at the world, each forged by different histories which must now combine themselves without pride and patriotism into a common world history which includes both ways of thinking.
And that history will be influenced by both, without the elimination of either one side or the other. Yet that is where militaristic thinking warps the development, the myth that that is possible, to totally eradicate or completely subdue your enemy.
It is up to politicians and historians to sell that to the public as not being an immoral thing. "It was inevitable, they left us no choice but to destroy them."
Chinese (Mandarin) was one of the first languages I studied, in part, to try to understand the palette of ideas which lead to this different type of thinking and world view than the one which I had been raised in.
Reading the "Tao Te Ching" was one of the most enlightening events of my life and opened up new worlds of thinking embodied in the views and cultures of others. Such knowledge are bridges that the cultural totalitarians on both sides of the Pacific are afraid of.
In China, the obvious threat is of Western ideas of liberty, now ironically available in practice to their own wealthiest elite at home, to single party rule. Yet at least there is change going on there.
America has become the dinosaur of political change compared to almost anywhere else in the world, China, Russia, India, the European Union (which most Americans know almost nothing about), and has become notable in recent political evolutionary changes only for its erosion of freedoms and increasing absence of regard for human rights.
Secret prisons, kidnappings, torture, election rigging, funding and arming civil wars (all sides) and terrorist groups in countries which it does not like, holding people without trials, spying on journalists, whistle- blowers, demonstrators, wrong voters, and on and on.
And not keeping Americans ignorant of how the rest of the world sees us now puts our own elites hold on power in danger. Thus our "news" networks instead of informing us of our transgressions and slide, instead mock the rest of the world for being 'uncivilized' and 'resenting our freedoms.'
In addition to studying Chinese and Latin, other languages which I have dabbled in include Dutch, German, French, Spanish, and Russian. I have envied those who can speak a multitude of languages because each language can open up to them new concepts not inherent within, or stressed as much, in their own language or culture.
But I still think, though that is obviously better than not doing so, using language at all in our thinking can limit our thinking only to ideas we have been exposed to previously. We need to go beyond the past embodied in languages.
In my earliest writing on the subject, I stated that "It is due to this limiting aspect of our languages that it is beneficial to clear one's mind of these concepts and deal in pure thought or pure existence.”
Just as in mathematics, how the answer is determined by the question, one could reasonably argue that all the thoughts we think are logically deduced from our experiences, both internal (feelings, moods) and external, and are defined by the rules of language.
If we, however, clear our minds of both our experiences and our language we may be able to 'see' from a point of view which would be forever unobtainable as long as we are limited by language and experience."
I have also written about words in First Words in Towards Tomorrow, and Perspective in Deconstructing the Universe.
And within that concept are the great lessons of Eastern thought, Taoism, Buddhism, and Zen: the need to recognize the limitations of languages, and by extension, of cultures, as contextual, limited in scope to those that they were originally developed within or for, but needing constant expansion and having that past, that foundation, being put in new contexts through new experiences and greater histories which they cannot contain without constricting them.
Constricted growth is as close to death as it is to life. Growth must be free of the limitations of languages, of single cultures, of single ideologies, of single types of governmental or economic systems, or it is not growth at all, merely attempted sameness, death of better ideas, preventing new words, new concepts, new systems from emerging.
Truth is not found in words. Words like art, like anything in our environment, are attempts to make a representation of truth. The "Western" type of thinking, of an external objectifiable truth to reality has its roots in a wider viewpoint. Among the earliest Greek philosophers, Paramenides among others, knew that thinking was at best an approximation of truth, an elusive search meant to be unending, always sought after, yet forever out of reach.
That has nothing to do with the absolutism with which the West has come to be identified with, mainly as an excuse to impose its culture upon others. Parmenides said on truth, "both the unchanging truth behind all that which only seemingly comes and goes from being, and the opinions and perceptions of Man about this in which there cannot be found truth, ...
>> it is necessary for you to see how untruths and misconceptions come to be seen as truth, both (the unchanging truth and our interpretations/ changing perceptions of things/ subjectivity) together create all experiences. <<
I began my own philosophical search as a cultural relativist, have moved beyond it, yet I am astounded and disheartened beyond measure to see my own culture, America, slam cultural relativism, as something trite, irrelevant, even a fashion without substance. It has become a victim of its own hyped up self-importance, a media preaching that ignorance is better than knowledge.
There has been so much of a backlog of falsehood, misrepresentation, propaganda, and outright self- destructive lying to the American people by the Bush Administration of the 21st century that as it begins to get exposed, it has the potential to point us, and because of our possibly undue influence or control over the rest of the world, to point the world on a new and better path as we begin once more to speak what we believe to be the truth.
We need to try to know what is outside of ourselves, what lies outside of our bodies, minds, beliefs, mindsets and national borders, that is not irrelevant, not without truths of their own which we do not destroy without destroying our own ability to grow.
The truth will begin to be let out more and more.
We in the West, we need to demand a media that shows us to ourselves as the rest of the world knows us, so we may see what they do and we do not. To see ourselves from the most points of view.
To see ourselves from the most points of approximations or representations of truth that may not be true in individuality, but in sum, in total, in the view we are purposely now kept from seeing, which comes as close to the truth as we will ever get without retreating into our own unquestioning assumptions, dogma, propaganda, hubris, and self- delusions.
We have become and have been led by the embodiment of such a dark path of willful ignorance.
Yet a new path has already begun.
It is young yet, this truth telling, and its fate depends upon the actions of millions of others to survive against the legacy we have spun, yet I have faith in it. I have faith that it will grow, that it will survive, and it will dominate the lies, at least in the short term, and at least of the recent past.

I have said often in the posts below I view time a bit differently than most. I understand symmetry and that is key to how I interpret the world. It is in my art, and contributes to what I think and hope is an always evolving view of how things fit together.

Geometry not only can be thought to connect everything (physically, mathematically) else in the Universe, its concepts connect to everything else as well. It is a universal common language.

The more words of it you know, the closer minds become and can understand each other not limited by time or place. It is seeing the patterns.

The more patterns you recognize or are capable of understanding, the more minds grow and can relate to each other.

Geometry is all a priori knowledge, not learned. It is recognizing the patterns all around you that are within you and in sum create you as well.

The more people or cultures play with blocks, triangles, squares, and see the patterns, the more capable their minds become to establishing more complex, and hopefully more fair, social structures as well.

It literally enables beings to begin not only to see or imagine or ascribe shape to their environment, but drives them to eventually wish to alter and improve that shape to make more symmetrical and logical sense.

Taiwan and that situation have been long a topic of interest and concern. I have long hoped to go there, and learn as much as I can.

I hope that a conflict there is not part of the equation but I have, as I have mentioned before, quite a history of studying conflicts, and political resolutions to them.

My focus of majority/minority relations is one of the ways I approach them, because it is conflicts with how such subsections get along, or are mistreated, which can lead to conflicts or prevent healing once the shooting stops.

And as I have mentioned many times, how the major powers approach the situation, wanting peace or wanting hostilities to continue, perpetually or indefinitely, for strategic or economic reasons.

Peace, obtaining it or keeping it, can be a minefield.

That has always been my focus, and perhaps one day, will be able to put such studies to use.

Once or if I obtain funds, and see about acceptance in an appealing program of studies, then I might find out if it is really possible. I have a valid new passport, and hope to see if I can use it.

I try to telegraph what I do well in advance and tend to stick to it. Is been 2 years considering this course, and 8 months since putting forward doing the interviews I mentioned.

Because I don’t do such things for money, and have no desire for fame, I think that puts me in a different category than most others.

I have perspective and really, truly have a desire to see such conflicts avoided when possible and healed as quickly as possible once people are ready to finally talk. Israel is unfortunate far from that point, or so they think.

Ukraine, I believe is heading toward the exit, hopefully of this stage. That is why I wish to get people thinking or focusing on what comes next, both to help the survivors, and lead to a stabilization conducive to a lasting truce, which can lead eventually to true peace one day.

August 5th, 2012

Indeed, one of our esteemed Congress persons recently said of Russians, simplifying complex International Relations to something his constituents could digest in a way as to produce the desired excrement of reactions, “they're still Communists.” He nor they care about what the word “Communists” meant, just like the word “Socialist” is just as inappropriately thrown about these days without concern about the little things, like what the words actually mean. Meaning is irrelevant now, most neither know nor care. Simpler to say, “bad people, those people, bad. Grrr. Hate hate hate them, they hate you.”
That's always good enough to get you elected or rile people up even if you don't have elections or honestly count the votes if you do. For the record, Estonians are now the “good guys,” Russians are still sometimes the “bad guys” depending on if Russia is not doing what the American government wants recently, and the world “Communist” applies far more to China (in which it is actually) which is now so rich and powerful that no American politician would dare point that fact out in a negative way to his constituents if he thought it might get picked up on, any more than one of them might criticize Israel these days. They own us, or at least them. And through their corruption, now they own us.
Now if we had what Reagan entertained was possible, and many neocons wish was still possible, a “limited” nuclear war in Europe, Estonia, now our allies, would still be just as dead. Only now, if we survive, we would put up a monument or a plaque somewhere to say we feel bad about losing them in the war and what a shame it was and all that. They have, usually without consulting their public's opinion about it or due to any of their actions, been “good guys” to us at times, and “bad guys” and back again. And usually likewise, off and on, on how bad we would feel if we felt we had to “obliterate” their lands with nuclear weapons.
Slowly the world may be learning it doesn't matter where you might live in the world, you are just as irrelevant. No matter which side you choose, and you usually will not get a choice, you are ultimately on the frontlines and will be just as dead as those countries literally on the frontlines and traded back and forth every couple of generations as to which side would mourn you or feel worse about the fact your whole country was incinerated, which inevitably it would be. …
Not that I could read his mind, or see things as he saw them, but the answer that came forward seemed to me self-evident. He was buying time. Each of the reforms, though ultimately making things worse for the survival of the Soviet Union in the long run prevented catastrophes imminent in the short term. Buying time does not get you monuments usually, nor heroic songs written about you, especially when your country is no longer there at the end of your term. But it is the best thing one can really ever achieve. More time makes everything else possible.
The myth is of the great and final grand victory over the enemy ushering in a final peace. That is the greatest bullsh*t story of all time if you look at history. Peace gives way to more wars, and sometimes not long thereafter. We, especially in America, celebrate the “Warrior” far more than any “Peacemaker.” Buying more time is what most people do collectively. It is not glamorous, not earth shattering or earth healing, but it is what each person in a society can contribute to equally and enjoy the benefits of equally. To keep things on track to go another day, live another day to die a different day. It is never ignoble and sometimes the best you get. And it is far from insignificant. …
And it is in that seeming miraculousness about dodging such bullets that keeps us from ever learning. It is the blindness humanity never seems to overcome. We can say before something happens, it can happen any number of ways and be prepared for many of those equally. But after a few years, then a few dozen or hundred, it becomes fated. We can look back at history and say, “See, wasn't he stupid for not seeing how it was going to turn out?” Literally, we say that thinking God ordained that it must or would have turned out that way.
One of the most disturbing notions to me about how America has slowly become immunized to the horrors of torture, how it has become debatably reasonable to do, that even a Supreme Court Justice can feel no shame in publicly saying that there is nothing illegal about torturing people so long as you do not charge them first, was that Americans began losing sight it could be any other way. That it should be any other way. Day by day, year by year, whatever atrocities are going on become less and less shocking and more and more normal. It’s just, after a while, how the world is. What can you do? …
It seems crazy when directed at the future, to many people. The future most believe can happen differently than these people expect. But after a few generations, in those instances where the world was not destroyed, they look more sane every day. Surely, we will think, such things were necessary to “keep us safe,” that they were vindicated merely by the fact that we still exist, and that “our existence, our children's new existences” were divinely inspired and occurred on schedule, and happened all according to “God's Plan.”
The flip side of that coin is believing, silently, those who were killed, tortured, raped, murdered, villages wiped out, lands stolen, peoples and cultures wiped out to extinction or near extinction were necessary for our “higher” cultures to replace them. And that bias is in every single fiber of our cultures. We no longer see them or are aware that such biases exist. …
It may seem too obvious to need to state, but if one believes that the future can go in any number of different ways, it should not be much of a stretch to think that the past could have happened differently as well. Those who did the horrors of the past ought not to be given an automatic pass after a few generations, that they were doing God's will. That it had to happen that way, that it was fate.
However much time is bought now or by others in the future, I cannot help but feel sometimes it is wasted if we never learn this most simplest of lessons generation after generation after generation. The past did not have to go the way it did. There were other roads. This way was not necessarily the best nor the most just nor the most holy nor the most right. Learning that, feeling that, living that belief every second of every day is the best assurance that new routes will be taken and new patterns of behavior will become better norms, and that the worst of history which we repeat every day and every generation helplessly, will fade out of us in time.
Newer more uncertain ground and a wider variety of pasts
April 15th, 2009, Jared DuBois
Truthrevival.org / Polsci.com

One day when I was probably 10 years old or younger, my mother confided in me that she was having nightmares every night. This was an unusual turnabout for me as it would have been for most children. It was usually the other way around. I would go and tell her about a bad dream I had, and she of course would comfort me, say it was just a bad dream and that everything would be Ok.

These dreams were serious, and how she told me impressed that upon me. She was losing sleep because of them. My mother at that time had two or three jobs, plus several small children to take care of. Her not getting sleep was not a good thing, in fact very dangerous for her health. Due to an extremely bad financial situation, she had a full time job, a part-time job, and occasionally a second part time job on the weekends.

She told me at that time every night she had the same dream, everyone and herself dying horribly in a nuclear war. I really did not know what to say to that. As a parent to a child, the answer is simple: you simply lie. You would say, its just a bad dream, that won’t happen, don’t worry about it anymore. But to lie, at that age, to my own mother when she was worried so much as to let me in on something so terrible, it would have had to had been as she would never normally show such fears, so to do anything less than be truthful in response was unthinkable.

As I mentioned in a previous post here, ‘The Positive Potentially Transformational Aspect Of Music ( IZ good ),’ I did not particularly like being lied to and generally liked people to be as literal as possible. If I said to someone at that age that I thought I was going to die in a nuclear war and they said, don’t worry, that can’t happen or won’t happen, I would instead ask: “How do you KNOW that won’t happen. You don’t KNOW, you can’t KNOW, therefore YOU ARE LYING!” Or at least most likely something along those lines.

I knew I wanted to be reassuring back, to try to tell her don’t worry, its just a dream, it won’t happen, but also how to do so and not be lying at the same time. I listened, was sympathetic, but really did not know what to say to that. I thought about it for a long while, probably hours before I had something to say to that. My response, which I am still proud of to this day was, “It doesn’t always end like that.”

For her, that was correct. She lived far longer than she ever expected to, into her 80’s and died surrounded some of her children and grand-children. She did not die horribly in the aftermath of a nuclear war. She did not live to see the devastation in her dreams wrought upon the survivors.

So, to many people, they might think I could have said and not been wrong, “Don’t worry, that won’t happen to you.” Yet I still feel now, even at that age as I did, that that would have been lying even if it did not happen from this present’s point of view. They think, wrongly I believe, that because it did not happen, it could not have happened.

I had to wait years to write the post quoted above, my “Higher Ground” post alluded to in November 2005. That me and my government might yet agree to meet, or at least not be so much at odds, one day upon higher ground. I did not have the whole thing written out in my head exactly as written, but I knew then what I wanted most to say in it, should one day I be able to write it, circ*mstances permitting.

It does not HAVE to be this way. There are other roads besides the perilous psychotic one we seem to be fated to be traveling upon. That everyday that goes by that we do not turn around, correct our course, that we believe was fated, that it had to be that way. Maybe they are not the religious fanatics they seem. Maybe the future can go only one way. But as I have stated before, that is not the world I perceive.

As I put it 2 years earlier than my “Higher Ground” post, in ‘The World We Inherited, The World We Will Leave Behind,’ I closed with the following…

Quadranine is moved up on the site because it is the best one I did and it is now restored to its original form. In the last thing written in that notebook was the following line, "A survey of the belief systems people have and the courses of action these beliefs impel them to take." It says little to others perhaps, but to me, that sentence speaks volumes.
We are set on courses of "fated" destinies because of what we have bought into, and cannot reconsider while moving. The faster we are moving, the less perspective we have and eventually those movements and those "ends" are all we see and know. I know nothing is fated and all "ends" can be changed. Ideology is what makes us human, separates us from other species, but it is ultimately to be chained to past ways of thinking at the expense of the future and of freedom.
Like planets on a collision course, the United States and humanity itself are going to reach a point to have to choose to rethink everything and alter and postpone the "inevitable" collision of cultures and countries, economies and armies. That sidestepping is easier than anyone thinks, and even if it not successful, it will probably begin soon because otherwise it would be unlikely to be meaningful.
And as anyone who has ever contemplated dinosaurs trying to dance, win or lose, succeed or not, it is at least good for a laugh, and hopefully for all others and for our own sakes, life itself will remain good for a laugh, and not a Greek tragedy. Mahalo and Aloha.

I covered the same ground in a recent post at my other blog, about “events” in covering the notes from 2005…

The stronger peoples' beliefs are, the longer they have had them, the more integrated they are into different aspects of their lives and relationships with others, it is like an object moving faster. It takes more time frames, longer, to change direction even when they see and know they are wrong, or leading them toward disaster.
If those beliefs are so firmly a part of their identities, they will close their eyes to anything which might make them reevaluate the possibility they might be wrong, push it out of mind, and brace themselves for the tragic results they believe are unavoidable, because they are without the ability to rethink or question what is to them unquestionable.
With more time or if they can be taught to slow down faster, they could adjust courses to miss collisions more quickly.
Everything in the Universe is under the momentum of events. Ideas of self, what they are, what they want, all set up to include them and all they can be, see, and know. Can only alter courses along preset prescribed ways or directions.
I contemplate dead stop, reset button, where any direction of anything becomes possible. Direction is not only physical dimensions, but (also) tracks of events which are probable because of how the board is set and the pieces senses of identity, goals, and purposes.

As I put in my most recent post there, 'Einstein as Newton: God or Gospel only for awhile, Super Bonus Days 41 and 42,' most people really cannot say what I mean by “events” or “direction” but that was probably intentional. For me going over these notes in the present and doing so, trying to guess how they match up with things going on in the present is like peeling an onion backward in time, then forward, then backward again.

In many ways in the middle-east, the risk of a nuclear war is not only increasing, it is meta-sizing. I have been slow to criticize President Obama, outside of the mainstreaming of torture and drones, because I understand like Gorbachev, he is doing the best he thinks he can to buy more time for the world. And as I mentioned above, sometimes that is not the main thing, sometimes it is the ONLY thing.

But things fall apart. Whatever he thinks he can do to alter an increasingly wobbly “center” I hope he does soon, as the view from the cheap seats is excrement soon meeting air circulation device.

Kennedy said in regards to the Cuban Missile Crisis, “I don’t think the people in that room understand, if we make a mistake, 200 million people will die.” I would not say Obama would naturally fit in with those in that room, but the body count has long gone above 200 million with the potential for error.

Planners for what is going on now, though, have no idea what that means. Not that some would call me risk-adverse, but our war planners have gotten punch drunk that because the world has not yet been blown to sh*t, if we keep doing the same stupid things over and over again it will not be.

That “God” has our backs. That our monumental f*ck-ups were fated, part of His plan. The road is running out on where that mentality can take us. You can only play Russian-roulette with the fate of humanity for so long before the odds catch up, and there are no do-overs.

As mentioned above, I know the importance sometimes of buying more time. I did a lot, wrote a lot, to get to this point, much of which was not always easy to explain. I am not perfect nor would I ever claim to be.

On many a day I have to try very hard to give a damn whether humanity lives or dies, rises to the troubles confronting us all or continues to hide our heads in the sand and think it is not our problem, that when it all blows to hell, it was not our faults. That there was nothing we could have done.

On a “good” day, you can count me in on that group of blissful lemmings just waiting for a cliff to throw ourselves over, so long as we are doing what we are told, unquestioningly. Unfortunately, sometimes I get it in my head that there is something I could try to do about it.

From what I have written above, just because sometimes these ideas are not as moronic or suicidal as they might otherwise have appeared if things did not turn out as well as they did, it is not to say they were not, truly, as crazy as they appeared to be.

But a chance, any chance however slim, is sometimes enough when you are staring into a complete loss of control of events, and watching an otherwise attractive species and planet about to go down the drain.

The time for rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic is nearly up. It is too bad the world seems to be controlled by those, not only with little sense of morality, humanity, but also a very poor sense of time.


They say the sea turns so dark that

You know it's time, you see the sign

They say the point demons guard is

An ocean grave, for all the brave,

Was it you that said, "How long, how long,

How long to the point of no return?"

Your father, he said he needs you

Your mother, she says she loves you

Your brothers, they echo your words:

"How far to the point of no return?"

"Well, how long?"

Except from 'Point of Know Return' by Kansas

One day when my mother came home from work, she surprised me with a present. I cannot remember if it was wrapped or not, but probably was just in a store bag. I can remember the conversation though.

“What is this for?” I asked if it was an early birthday present or something.

“Because you are such a “good” boy. Can’t I give you a present without a reason?”

“No really!” Not that it was not true, from a certain point of view anyway. I was generally well-behaved, but as I mentioned above we were very poor and generally getting an expensive present no where near a birthday or Christmas was unusual.

It was a record album of Kansas, ‘Point of Know Return.’ “Well, I bought it for myself.”

“This is Kansas, it’s a hard rock band. You won’t like Kansas.”

She told me to turn it over and pointed to a song on the back. It was ‘Dust in the Wind.’

“Mom, trust me the whole album is not like that song.”

“Well, maybe you can just let me borrow it sometimes.”

And that was how I got my first record album. Not to say that I was ever sure what that was all about, whether she was that mistaken about what kind of music Kansas played. However, I do know for a fact that she had recently seen me staring at the cover of that album for a long time in a store, probably drooling over it enviously wishing I could take it home.

What I was staring at was the cover, of a ship sailing off the edge of the world. I liked album cover art and was so taken with the image I was staring at it for several minutes. Plus I really wanted that album.

When time was running out, before leaving for Europe and all that that trip would entail, the story that I was working on, what I was going to try to buy time for and with, I decided to leave off with that image.

"Just because it could be or be seen that way doesn’t mean it has to be or be seen that way. And if it were true, it is only slightly less weird as multiple 2D Universes or multiple 3D Universes. That objects can exist in more dimensions than they perceive or that Universes can exist around them which they cannot perceive is nowhere near the top of the Universe’s weirdness scale. With an object big as a sun, who could measure how many dimensions it might possibly exist within? Even this 1 meter square cube is an enigma of how many dimensions it can contain. Even with a slight unintentional 4th dimensional thickness, it could even be mistaken for a full 4D Tesseract from 2 views. Looking at it from outside it and thinking we know how many dimensions it currently exists within is impossible without a new math, map, or understanding of its internal structure or order."
"So it’s back to inside matter again?" Assistwo asked.
"Isn’t it always?" Inventor asked back, "By the way have you seen the new motto for my door?"
"Another one?" Assistwo shrugged emphatically.
"Yes, two on each side now, it needed balance," Inventor joked.
Assistwo went outside the door and read, "There are no objects, there is only matter as a whole. There are no dimensions, there is only space as a whole. There are no minds, there is only consciousness as a whole."
"It seems like we have a long way to go still yet," Assistwo said when entering the room again to Inventor who seemed to be getting ready to leave.
"If not us," Inventor said, "then those who will come after us. The horizon to how far we are permitted to go at this time is approaching faster now. We must stop for a while or risk sailing of the edge of our 2D world."
"I don’t like the sound of that," Assistwo said grimacing. "If possibly not us, then at least tell me what’s over that horizon in case we don’t get there ourselves."
"That the same perspective or space at different times is exactly the same and completely interchangeable with different perspectives and points in space at the same time," Inventor said moving toward the door.
"Heavy," Assistwo quipped. "I hope we are the ones who get to try and explain that one. I don’t like the sound of falling off of or moving out of phase or sync with the 2D world."
"No," Inventor agreed, "that does not seem desirable from any possible perspective from within it. From an outside perspective, who knows?"
Events, Potentiality Spheres, Spinning "Up" and Out of a 3D Incorporated Universe, Day 40

As I mentioned above, my mother died surrounded by some of her children and grandchildren. For financial reasons I could not go. It was a mixed blessing. It was a heart-rendering scene I am partly glad I could avoid even though it was hard to be anywhere else at that time. I wrote about that day in an indirect way in “Rise of the Peacemakers,” so as long as I keep my writings, I will always remember the date, not that I could forget the day.

When my father died, I also was on Maui. I drove to a beach and sat on a branch over the ocean and watched the sun going down over the water. Then when it was almost gone, I got it in my head to do something symbolic. At the instant the sun disappeared, I threw a rock into the light above me as hard and as far as I could into the ocean. It had meaning to me, and probably was not that original a thing to do.

When my mother died, and I was asked if I wanted anything special done at the service, I could only think of one thing.

“Please play 'Dust in the Wind' by Kansas,” I said when called back just after she passed away. “I know she liked that song.”


June 7th, 2007

1) The Dream (4/28/07):

I was on a boat. I went up to the bridge. “Is this boat going to Hawaii?” I asked someone in a uniform there.
“No,” he replied, “this boat is going to War!”
“But I am supposed to be going to Hawaii,” I answered back.
I walked around the ship and people were busying putting things into other things around the sides, things made of metal into bigger things made of metal in tube shapes. Here and there, I would stop and say to people, “I am supposed to be in Hawaii right now.” I remember seeing Corporal Klinger (Jamie Farr's character on M*A*S*H) and said to him, “I am not supposed to be here you know.” But he did not say anything. He just stood there in a dress and gave me a look that said, “Tell me about it! Look at me and I still can get out of here.”

I know why I had the dream. While reading the local newspaper (something I almost never do) simply to find out what the rules were when the Dalai Lama was to speak (what you could bring, how early to get there, etc.) I had been confronted with an unwelcome bit of news.

It turned out someone from my little town on my little island had been killed in Iraq during the April 'surge.' His funeral was that morning and I was conflicted about whether or not to go.

I did not know him, so really I had no business being there. It is pretty obvious to many I disagree with the war, so some pro-war people would suggest, such people ought not to go. But if that were the case, there would be fewer and fewer people attending them at all.

Since it was mentioned in the newspaper when the services would be, it would be open to the public, but it did not say specifically that anyone could attend. It is really a very small town, like I said, on a small island, so to me things were making me feel like I should go for some reason.

It’s not that I wanted to. I did not even go to my father's funeral and did not feel guilty about not going to that. It was not economically possible, many thousands of miles away without enough money for such a long trip, and he never liked funerals either and almost never went to any himself.

Plus, you don't have to have been a fan of HBO's “Six Feet Under” to be a little creeped out by them, me no less than most.

But it wasn't possible for me to go to this one here anyway, I thought. I was supposed to work that day. And if I had not even read that paper earlier in the week, I would not even had felt like there was anything different about that day than any other.

Certainly nothing that depressing to think about doing or going to where I would have been probably intruding anyway. But when something like that even gets into your dreams, you have to think, maybe I should go.

Though I did not go to it, more things happened that made me aware of it. It turned out I did not have to work and ended up nearby it. A lot of near misses and circ*mstances drawing me closer and closer to being at something which probably I might not have been welcomed to going to either. Like most others, I would pay my respects some other way without possibly intruding on anyone.

But the dream weighed on me all day. How many others lives were being lost, and still are, everyday thinking they did not or do not belong there, that they belonged home with their families, back in their towns? We are told they are heroes, putting themselves on the line for our freedom.

Not to disparage their bravery or manhood, but almost everyone knows or ought to by now that this war is not and never was about a threat to us so much as what our country hopes to gain from it, namely oil leases, permanent bases, and a launching pad for more wars, more oil leases, and more permanent bases in countries which will hate us more the more me bomb them to “free them” and give them “democracy” which if they don't want or like what we are doing to them or their countries, we can criticize them as we do Iraqis for being too “primitive” to understand the good we are doing to and for them.

As we bomb them, keep them under a state of martial law, leave them without security, without electricity, safety, without a proper economy while our companies profit from their misery almost without end.

But the soldiers really have no part in this. Yes, all this would not be possible without them, but few of them would say anymore that what they are doing there is what they signed up for.

So many of them there now, supposedly overwhelmingly most or all, think we are not welcome there and not helping anyone by being there. If today's reports are correct, with constant operations going on for over 4 years, still shelling cities we have “liberated” long ago, yet we only control 1/3 of the capital city and almost none of the country.

But even if we only controlled one building, the parliament, with lawmakers dependent upon our protection about to give us control of their countries resources for the next decades, coincidentally or not, how long Bush and Gates have said we intend to be there for, despite their Parliament asking us to leave, and their public overwhelmingly now seeing us as a hostile occupation force.

We respect “democracies” so long as the “democracy” has nothing to do with what the public wants when inconvenient to what we want. If we only had bases in countries that wanted us there, how many countries would we have them in? My guess is it would be significantly less that the 110 or 120 countries we now have bases in, some quite pointedly asking us to leave, as if that mattered in the least.

While I had that dream, fretted about going or not going to one funeral, many more ships were on their way to the Persian Gulf. The buildup for the War with Iran was underway then, as it is now, but of course, almost no one in our government, Democrat nor Republican, will say that was what the 'surge' was really about.

Nor will they say Iran may or may not be interested in having nuclear weapons because we have attacked and invaded and now occupy with large armies countries on both sides of them, against international law, against the publics in those countries wishes (all the self-serving propaganda 'they will/did welcome us as liberators' bullsh*t notwithstanding), and have been threatening to do the same to them, and to nuke them no less if we feel like it.

Many Americans are completely without reason on this point. It is so beyond the pale of what they can consider possible that they wander around in a dream-like state much as people in mental hospitals who shut out anything that is upsetting and live in their own dream world. “How dare Russia use energy to gain influence over countries!”

This in regards to withholding subsidies and lower prices to countries they do not like and making them pay market prices.

Now compare that to threatening to invade, take over, conduct terrorist operations in, and if that doesn't work, to nuke them if necessary to prevent others from gaining weapons you not only have, but have thousands of, illegally because the very treaty you accuse them of breaking says you were supposed to be disarming and instead, you are openly talking about building thousands more!

But hey, no irony there. Just put your fingers in your ears, and join up for Bush's delusional reality about how we are “saving” people by the same things others are advocating that will inevitably not only destroy our army but commit a genocide of the people we tell ourselves we are trying to help, but that will be another “accidental” genocide, unavoidable, and basically all their fault because they cannot understand “democracy” or how we are trying to “help” them.

Since no doubt we have lost the ability to reason completely, our politicians quake with the fear that if they actually tried to stop what they are doing to our young people who do not belong there and know more than anyone else, how unwelcome they are there, that if they ended the insanity and brought them home, they would suffer criticism the cannot or would not successfully deflect of “not being supportive of the troops.”

The truth is that any letup in the insanity would enable people to take note of where they are and where they are going, thus all the more reason we are likely to repeat our mistakes again and again as quickly and often as possible while Bush remains in office. Iran, Syria, Venezuela, take your pick.

We, a country violating international laws left and right with more weapons of mass destruction than all of the rest of the world put together, invading and occupying countries against the will of their peoples because they theoretically might pose a threat to us someday gives us license to kill large numbers of their citizens today and are only seeking to 'defend' ourselves from a country that has not initiated a war or invaded anyone in centuries.

And this because our people have been told how horrible it would be if they acquired a level of technology, because they are a Muslim country, that our “ally” Pakistan, another Muslim country already has, which already can be and has been exported by them to other countries without us threatening to bomb them, possibly because they could do something about it.

Yet this is what we will 'save' the world from by taking out Iran, from a Muslim country getting the bomb. As if Iran could ever be a threat to us militarily. The point is that they would be able to defend themselves against us in a short while, and that is really what the new war and new rush to war is to silence.

None will speak to this in our government.

Our military, though they know better, hold to rules which say that it is not their province and must bow to 'civilian' governance even though that 'civilian' government is now more openly than ever talking about the conditions it would take, far from unusual or unexpected, to shut down the federal government completely and put it under executive control.

As if that has not happened yet already. That war is already over except for the shouting.

2) The Gas Station (Summer 2006):

I was having a bad day. My gas was very low and I had to go miles out of my way off the highway to get to a gas station to avoid running out completely. I was going to Boston for something, I don't remember what, but was in a hurry to get there.

The credit card reader on the pump at the gas station was not working, so that meant I would have to go inside and pay for it there. Now I was really starting to get irked. I saw a line of people inside and I did not wish to have to wait but already had shut my car off.

When I got inside, it took me a second or two to read the room. That is when you know you are getting old, or maybe it was just because I was agitated and distracted. At first I thought it might have been being robbed, a weird feeling, everyone was so uncomfortable, not afraid, but uneasy.

There were a few people behind the register but no customers standing around were actively being waited on, though many were in line. The clerk closest to me, a teen male looked around nervously and would not make eye contact.

A girl a few years older looked apologetic glancing around at different random spots in space but smiled politely though uncomfortably. Others in there were even more uneasy and were beginning to reach the level of frustration I had before I even walked in.

The cause of it all was the last thing I hit upon, someone no doubt having a worse day than me.

He looked like the crusty drill sergeant at the training camp in just about every war movie I ever saw. He was obviously new at this job, maybe his first day, and it was not going well. He was counting the drawer which is why no one was being waited on and could not until he was done.

He kept making mistakes, getting more frustrated with himself, and kept having to start over. It was clear he was not used to doing that, and it seemed pretty clear he did not seem to be used to having only one arm to count the money with.

There are lots of reasons one could be missing a limb. Cancer, a staff infection which causes a viral infection under the skin, a car accident, lots of things that have absolutely nothing to do with Iraq. I can't say why, but none of these seemed to apply to him.

He looked so natural like a soldier, even over 40, that it was hard to see him in a different line of work, and it seemed like he would not have imagined it either, much less having to learn how to count a drawer with only one arm at his age.

The proximity to the army base was one factor, maybe a cap or other insignia might have given me that impression as well. However correct or mistaken the impression was, like most people there (though some peoples patience's were wearing thin), I knew my being pissed off would have to wait awhile, because it was less important at the moment.

But the natural questions when seeing someone who most probably, at least as I saw it at the time, had been to Iraq, kept popping into my head: “Did you support the war before,” “what do you think of what is going on there,” “Do you think what we are trying to do is worth it?”

These are the natural questions any child would think to ask, but as adults, we never think to ask them. We keep our place, show our respect by not communicating and not asking what people, we think, would not wish to talk about.

No doubt with the mood he was in, even if my presumptions were correct, he would not have wanted to talk about such things. Nor was I in a patient reflective mood myself at that moment.

But on another day, under different circ*mstances, hopefully such questions could be asked delicately. People instinctively need to communicate what they have been through, what they have seen in their life, and what perspective from it they have gained.

We honor such people who have made sacrifices, usually unintentionally, though often intentionally willing to put themselves in harms way for others, by keeping silent, not wanting to intrude. But that is not always what is best.

We all, at one time or another, don't mind when someone asks us about our lives, even when it is something painful which at other times we would not wish to talk about.

Those around us often can have more opportunities to catch us at those moments, but they also can and usually do fall most into patterns of behavior around us, acting in the same ways, almost habitual patterns of conversations.

Those who can set people at ease, ask them to share something unique to them in a way they want to talk about it, they are good to have around, though not always welcomed.

And not always is such questioning being nosy either. Life puts certain people around you at different points in your life to learn from them.

You don't need to be a reporter to be curious about the people you see all around you, to wonder how they got to where they are, what they think about the things that have happened to them along the way there.

Those people whose jobs it is to be curious, they have it easy, they have an opening while the rest of us must suppress most often that desire to know more about the uniqueness of appearance or experience of the people we pass by, usually without thinking of them at all.

As I said, that was a bad time when little could have come of such conversations even had they been able to occur. The problem is, far too often they do not anyway.

Television, society at large, so many factors make people think they know what people would or would not say or think about many things, often asking them seems superfluous or unnecessary.

Worse yet is when we are so caught in believing in a culture's predispositions that we do not even question to ourselves what we really think about things because we think that there is no need.

It’s what we should think, we reflexively say when pressed by others, or instead of saying that, saying what that would or should be in such instances.

So much we take for granted that we 'know' that we do not ever bother to ever again ask, not of others, not even sometimes of ourselves, and never reflect on why or how we came to settle into such perspectives unquestioningly in the first place, or never realize consciously we have done so.

There is not enough time, rethinking would not be proper, not being a good this or a respectful that. It’s what we should do or say without having to think what we should do or say.

When we get caught up in that, we become blind to those standing right in front of us, and unfortunately only even notice those people whom cannot be pigeon-holed because we can tell their experiences or perspectives touch upon things we cannot readily say we know or understand, those are the only ones that stick out at all as being noteworthy or memorable.

When this happens, when the unusual or unexpected cross our paths, when the time is right, they are the best means of growth we will ever get, not only to learn about something new, but reawaken that connection in yourself to asking the most basic of questions, “what happened to you,” “what did you think about it,” “how did you get here,” “what did you learn from it?”

If not to tell you, believe it or not, they live to tell and communicate that to someone, and we honor them not by remaining silent, but by occasionally risking getting our heads bit off by letting them know whenever they are ready to tell us, that we are eager to hear that.

Hand of God? One Head Turn Away from Chaos: Roads to Peace Through Damascus or through War to Extinction, Ending Hate & the Rush to War Through Respect & Belief You Deserve Peace & Honest Governance (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.