How to Add AromaTherapy To Your Steam Shower To Invigorate Mind and Body (2025)

Are you interested in making aromatherapy part of your steam shower? A steam shower is already a "feel good" experience. When you incorporate aromatic oils, however, you can expect to emerge even more relaxed, with your mind and body invigorated. MrSteam considers aroma a vital part of SteamTherapy. For that reason, we have created several ways for you to blend aroma with steam and take your showers to the next level. 

The Basics of AromaTherapy

Practiced for thousands of years, aromatherapy is considered mankind's first holistic therapy. The ancient Greeks and Romans associated aromatic essential oils with a variety of health and wellness benefits.

Nowadays, aromatherapy is part of the holistic practice of caring for the body. Aromatherapy oils can help you use your sense of smell to improve your overall health and mental well-being, from relaxing lavender that can help you calm down at the end of a long day to invigorating mint or eucalyptus, which may help open air passages and make you feel more energized. 


There are several ways you can incorporate aromatherapy into your existing steam shower or room and make the most of even an everyday shower experience. If you are wondering how to use essential oils in a steam room, you will find that MrSteam has the tools needed to help you make the most of every shower.

1. Try Your MrSteam Towel Warmer

The MrSteam towel warmer comes with a built-in aroma oil well in both the Broadway and Metro collections. Choose your oil and place it in the well, then turn it on and allow the heat of the towel warmer to do the rest. The scent of the oil will permeate the room, making your shower even more relaxing.

2. Use an AromaSteam System

How to Add AromaTherapy To Your Steam Shower To Invigorate Mind and Body (1)The AromaSteam system evenly infuses fragrances into the steam bath via an electronic delivery system for a balanced, seamless integration of aromatherapy. The AromaSteam system injector pump atomizes the oil, creating the perfect in-steam aromatherapy experience as it sends those oils throughout the room. You can choose your favorite oils and make them part of any shower. 

The AromaSteam system is included in the iDream package.

You can also easily install the AromaSteam system with MrSteam Steam Shower Systems. All you need is access to a 120v plug for the AromaPump, and about one hour of labor from a plumber. The AromaPump can be located anywhere outside of the shower, ideally somewhere easy for you to access so you can change the AromaSteam bottle when it is empty. 

>> See How To Connect the AromaSteam System to Your Steam Shower Generator

3. Add Essential Oils Directly to Your Steam Head

The AromaSteam steamhead is an in-the-moment, low-tech way to start experimenting with SteamTherapy. To use essential oils in a steam shower, start with one drop of your chosen oil in the steam head to gauge strength and suitability. You should not add more than a few drops. Always place drops in the steam head recess before turning on your steam shower. Once they're there, you can simply step into the shower and enjoy!

How to Add AromaTherapy To Your Steam Shower To Invigorate Mind and Body (2)

Note: if you intend to use different essential oils or fragrances, we recommend wiping off the steam head or the towel warmer reservoir before starting a new oil. Some oils may not combine well, and you may end up with some residue from the last oil in your shower. 

Learn more about the benefits of steam bathing! Download the full list here.


MrSteam has developed specially formulated AromaTherapy essential oils (as well as the Chakra oils detailed below) extracted from organic flowers and plants.  Each aromatic oil offers a distinct fragrance with characteristics that can support the body's specific therapeutic needs. As a result, you can restore and repair your body, experience enhanced health, and more. 

How to Add AromaTherapy To Your Steam Shower To Invigorate Mind and Body (3)

  • Eucalyptus is a refreshing aroma that may help open air passageways. This is especially therapeutic if you are sick or have difficulty breathing. Use the eucalyptus essential oil in your AromaSteam system to set up a steam bath fit to relieve your cold-season blues or when you're getting over a cold and need to open your airways. 
  • Lavender is the perfect essential oil to calm anxiety. After a stressful day at work, a steam session coupled with the calming and restorative properties of lavender will be sure to relax your body and mind, helping you to think clearly and be ready to tackle your next big task.
  • Evergreen is great for the winter months. Sure, evergreen itself is very festive to the holiday season, but did you know it carries benefits to refresh and uplift? While you're stuck inside during cold, gloomy winter days, taking a steam bath with evergreen will be sure to lift your spirits.
  • Mint is a clean and crisp scent, perfect to stimulate and energize your body and mind. Need a pick me up in the morning? Supplement your steam session with some mint oil to wake yourself up, and you'll be ready to start your day.
  • Breathe has tropical and bright tones, perfect for clearing your chest, nose and sinuses. Steam already works to clear these passages, which is especially helpful when you are sick. Adding the essential "breathe" oil will further clear these passages, allowing you to breathe better and move on with your day even when allergies or minor illnesses are pulling you down.

These essential oils are available in 10ml bottles and in one-liter bottles for use in the AromaSteam system.


The special Chakra oils from MrSteam come in 10ml bottles and include:

  • The essence of Red Vitality may help you feel invigorated.
  • Energy Orange essence may help lessen sexual inhibitions.
  • Yellow Awakening may help improve memory and concentration.
  • Green Harmony may help you restore a sense of balance.
  • Celestial helps you see solutions everywhere.
  • Mystic Indigo may enhance your creative intuition.
  • Violet Nirvana may help calm agitated nerves.

Are you ready to add aromatherapy to your steam experience? We're here to help! Let us know if you have questions about the best solution for your needs or how to incorporate aromatic oils into your existing shower setup.

How to Add AromaTherapy To Your Steam Shower To Invigorate Mind and Body (4)

How to Add AromaTherapy To Your Steam Shower To Invigorate Mind and Body (2025)
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