Phcs Medishare Provider Portal (2025)

1. Provider Page | Medi-Share

  • Welcome to Medi-Shares provider page! On the Medi-Share provider page you can register as a new provider, check member eligibility, check bill status, ...

  • Welcome to Medi-Shares provider page! On the Medi-Share provider page you can register as a new provider, check member eligibility, check bill status, and add/edit physician or facility info.

2. medi-share provider portal - Login

  • Loading. ×Sorry to interrupt. CSS Error. Refresh. MEDI-SHARE PROVIDER PORTAL. Email. Password. Log in. Forgot your password?Register Here. Loading.

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3. For Providers | Medi-Share 65+

  • Welcome to Medi-Shares provider page! On the Medi-Share provider page you can register as a new provider, check member eligibility, check bill status, ...

  • Welcome to Medi-Shares provider page! On the Medi-Share provider page you can register as a new provider, check member eligibility, check bill status, and add/edit physician or facility info.

4. Login | Medi-Share - Christian Care Ministry

  • Use this page to login and access your Medi-Share member center.

5. Provider FAQs | Medi-Share - Christian Care Ministry

6. Provider Portal Self Registration - Login

  • MEDI-SHARE. PROVIDER PORTAL. If you receive an error message, ensure you are entering a valid national provider identifier (NPI) number and tax ID (TIN).

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7. Our Honest Medi-Share Review after 14 years - SeedTime Money

  • ... (PHCS) PPO network, which offers 700,000 providers nationwide! (Note: Members ... Show your Medi-Share ID Card to the provider, and pay your provider ...

  • This is our Medishare review after 12 years of using them. The good and the bad...

8. Provider Portal | Liberty HealthShare

  • Our Provider Portal provides easy access to your patients who are Liberty HealthShare members as well as medical bill status information and other helpful ...

  • Our Provider Portal provides easy access to your patients who are Liberty HealthShare members as well as medical bill status information and other helpful resources.

9. Experiencing a Medishare Nightmare? Here's What You Can Do

  • 13 nov 2023 · Navigating the Medishare Provider Portal. For healthcare providers, the Medi-Share provider portal is intended to simplify the billing process.

  • Discover Medi-Share: a faith-based health sharing alternative to insurance, and its challenges and solutions for users.

10. [PDF] Issues with Medishare/Christian Care Ministries which is under Multiplan ...

  • This means that Medishare/Christian Care Ministries has misrepresented itself as an insurance company to Multiplan/PHCS, but sells itself as a “medical share ...

11. Medi-Share's PHCS Network of Doctors and Specialists

  • 26 apr 2017 · Look inside the MediShare online member's center to find top healthcare providers including the doctors and hospitals in their PHCS provider ...

  • Look inside the MediShare online member's center to find top healthcare providers including the doctors and hospitals in their PHCS provider network

12. Medi-Share Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - HSA for America

  • 22 mei 2024 · A: Medi-Share uses a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) called PHCS. ... portal. The funds will go right to your Medi-Share account. Q ...

  • A Medi-Share FAQ: One of the most popular healthshare plans available. Here is everything you need to know about Medi-Share!

13. Medi-Share - Healthsharing Reviews

  • Every provider we used from day one told us Medishare was slow pay. They ... you actually ended up be charged more using Medi-share (PHCS). I started ...

  • CCM Review

14. Complete Guide To Medi-Share | Enhance Health

  • 23 feb 2023 · But you don't have to stress that you won't be able to find a medical provider near you. The PHCS system has more than 900,000 providers, which ...

  • Your complete guide to Medi-Share, exploring its benefits, coverage, and how it differs from traditional insurance.

15. Medi-Share Provider Portal - Okta

  • Bevat niet: phcs | Resultaten tonen met:phcs

  • Easily connect Okta with Medi-Share Provider Portal or use any of our other 7,000+ pre-built integrations.

16. Medishare Plans - Reviews & Online Quotes - HSA For America

  • Here's how MediShare works if you need medical care: Choose a provider within MediShare's PHCS discount provider network. Going out-of-network can lead to ...

  • Explore MediShare Plans, rooted in Christian values— budget-friendly healthcare sharing alternative to insurance. Get free instant quote now!

17. Liberty HealthShare | Christian Healthsharing Ministry Provider

  • Liberty HealthShare offers health-conscious individuals and families an affordable way to share medical care expenses in a like-minded community.

  • Liberty HealthShare offers health-conscious individuals and families an affordable way to share medical care expenses in a like-minded community. We are a non-profit organization that helps facilitate the voluntary sharing between members to pay each other’s medical costs.

18. Samaritan Ministries vs Christian Care Medishare

  • Medishare receives the bills direct from the provider, Samaritan members ... portal), getting drug discounts through goodrx and/or Samaritan's drug ...

  • There are a few Christian Health care Sharing Ministries available which are ACA exempt if you are looking for an insurance alternative. The comparison between Samaritan Ministries and Christian Care Medishare was an easy one

Phcs Medishare Provider Portal (2025)


Is Medi-Share part of the PHCs network? ›

Let your provider know Medi-Share participates in the PHCS network. Your provider should recognize the PHCS logo on the front of your card, even if they are not familiar with Medi-Share.

What is the disadvantage of Medi-Share? ›

What is the downside of Medi-Share? Medi-Share, like other health share plans, may not cover all types of medical expenses, and members must adhere to specific lifestyle principles. It is not insurance and doesn't guarantee coverage for all health needs.

What is the truth about Medi-Share? ›

Medi-Share = Insurance? People are always asking me if it is Christian Medical Insurance. Simply put, no Medi-Share isn't insurance, but most people wouldn't really be able to tell a difference. While it essentially serves the same purpose as health insurance, they are very clear that it is NOT insurance.

What will Medi-Share not cover? ›

Screening Procedures – Colonoscopies, prostate exams, and mammograms are not shareable under Medi-Share. These are important screenings, but you should plan to pay for them with your own resources. Vaccinations and Immunizations – All costs related to immunizations are excluded.

Is phcs a PPO or hmo? ›

PHCS PPO Network - Health Depot Association.

What does PHCS network mean? ›

Private Healthcare Systems (PHCS) is a health insurance company that offers millions of members across the country coverage for medical and behavioral health care. They partner with Multiplan for access to its PPO network.

Is Medi-Share better than insurance? ›

Medi-Share, like other medical cost sharing programs, is not health insurance. But it does provide legal, affordable health protection in exchange for a monthly payment. And in fact, it tends to be about half the cost of unsubsidized insurance, making it a better option for many families.

What is the limit for Medi-Share sharing? ›

No sharing limits—unlimited annual and lifetime maximums. No health exclusions—no one declined for health reasons.

Can you write off Medi-Share? ›

Why Isn't Medi-Share Tax Deductible? Normally, you can deduct the cost of your own personal health insurance premiums for your household as an individual. However, Medi-Share and other health sharing plans are not insurance products.

What does Dave Ramsey say about Medi-Share? ›

"In 1993, a formalized approach to sharing healthcare burdens began with the Medi-Share program. From small beginnings, this big ideal took root." There are several programs out there with long track records of always doing what they say ... I wouldn't go with one that doesn't have several decades under its belt.

Is there a max out-of-pocket for Medi-Share? ›

No max-out-of-pocket limit – While Medi-Share covers most things you would expect a regular health plan to, it doesn't cover mental health, substance abuse counseling, and a few other areas.

Who is the owner of Medi-Share? ›

Medi-Share is the main focus of Christian Care Ministry and has been the primary service of Christian Care Ministry since 1993. It is a Christian healthcare system of medical bill sharing.

Does Medi-Share cover regular doctor visits? ›

Members Pay Provider Fees

Provider fees that aren't covered include routine wellness appointments, dental and vision check-ups, annual physicals, and preventive health exams. However, you'll be covered for some of these with Medi-Share Complete, the most comprehensive option.

Does Medi-Share cover colonoscopy and colonoscopy? ›

Medi-Share does not cover the following:

Dental, vision, and hearing: not eligible for sharing but can get exclusive discounts. Routine and preventive care: this includes physicals, immunizations, vaccines, mammograms, lab studies, and colonoscopies.

What network does Medi-Share use? ›

Doctor Network – Medi-Share has a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) network of doctors. It's built on MultiPlan's PHCS network, which is the same company that manages networks for some of the major traditional insurance companies.

What type of insurance is Medi-Share? ›

No. Medi-Share is not insurance. Medi-Share is a healthcare sharing program where Christians share their financial resources to pay each other's medical expenses.

Who bought PHCS? ›

(PHCS) today announced that MultiPlan will acquire PHCS, creating the industry's most comprehensive medical cost management provider.

Do hospitals take Medi-Share? ›

A: Medi-Share uses a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) called PHCS. This means that members can choose from a network of over 4,400 hospitals, 79,000 ancillary care facilities, and 700,000 individual healthcare professionals nationwide.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Views: 5862

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.